Hey All,
Well what been going on in my world recently....well lets just say I haven't been staying in much and I would be lying if I said I hadn't been indulging in some scandalous behavoir! tee hee..however my blog will remain scandal free!
Its annoying actually, a lot of things have happened to me in the past few weeks that I really need to get off my chest, alas over the years I have learned i can't spill on here, as people pry, get upset cos they dont want to be mentioned at all and well there was that whole shit thing that happened with my job a few years ago. So what I will say is that I am so confused, lots of stuff has been going on some of which has really surprised me, and I'm not sure if i handled or will handle them right.Why cant people be less complicated eh??I
ahhhh but right now I am listening to Converge loudly and imagining sticking pins into a certain fuckwits eyes.....so am getting calm.
Work is mental, and there were so many gigs/things to go to I am exhausted- I went to Big Cheese magazine's 100th issue party, which would have been a lot more fun if the free bar hadn't run out in 40 mins! The Cancer Bats played on Thursday(I work for them) which was awesome, my friends and I stayed at the Barfly dancing badly to cheesy music till the early hours. Somehow I had been convinced it would be a good idea to let 3 of my mates from Leeds sleep on my floor,which wasn't so bad but there are photos of Lewis floating round the internet naked on my roof-He violated my roof!damn it! Then on Friday another work Gig, Crime In Stereo this time, and they are rather good, I did intend to have an early night but I was with an old friend and alcohol convinced me I wasn't knackered, so I satyed up till stupid o clock,and spent the whole of saturday looking like a homeless and feeling like a zombie, but tiredness from fun is good tiredness right?
Anyway after hanging with my friend and a million cups of coffee I went home slept till 7 and dragged myself to (yes another work thing) see Today is The Day, who were great, and Jucifer are very good live, I was surprised. Sunday I slept all day and yesterday. Cancer Bats played a secret show with The Gallows at the Underworld, it was great, I watched Cancer Bats and some of The Gallows, but it was one of those nights where you bump into a million people and have a good natter..I also finished a hip flask full of vodka and had quite a few ciders(Yes I am VERY hungover today)after the show we all went to this bar and again Danced to cheesy music till stupid o clock-those Bats like their dance parties...Today my eyes are propped open with matchsticks, I can't take the pace anymore..not when i work all day too.......I am looking forward to some nights in.......
Also I have to plan, I am going to Hellfest in France this year, its not that far away and I need to get a move on.......Also for the US trip
Ravenisis and I will be in NYC at the tail end of August for a few days, then in Spetember I'll be heading to California, probably via Chicago, then on my way home I shall stop off in Detroit-phew!Hopefully everyone I want to see will be around when I'm there.
I'm kinda getting a bit worried about cash though, my job(the Music TV one) yet again haven't told me if my contract is being renewed, so yet again I don't know where my rent is coming from. I'm getting so sick of waiting to find out. I don't think its a very fair way to treat staff. Stressing me out is not productive.
ooh and yay Download fest is soon, more Dillinger!!
Thats it for now...
Love To All
Well what been going on in my world recently....well lets just say I haven't been staying in much and I would be lying if I said I hadn't been indulging in some scandalous behavoir! tee hee..however my blog will remain scandal free!
Its annoying actually, a lot of things have happened to me in the past few weeks that I really need to get off my chest, alas over the years I have learned i can't spill on here, as people pry, get upset cos they dont want to be mentioned at all and well there was that whole shit thing that happened with my job a few years ago. So what I will say is that I am so confused, lots of stuff has been going on some of which has really surprised me, and I'm not sure if i handled or will handle them right.Why cant people be less complicated eh??I
ahhhh but right now I am listening to Converge loudly and imagining sticking pins into a certain fuckwits eyes.....so am getting calm.
Work is mental, and there were so many gigs/things to go to I am exhausted- I went to Big Cheese magazine's 100th issue party, which would have been a lot more fun if the free bar hadn't run out in 40 mins! The Cancer Bats played on Thursday(I work for them) which was awesome, my friends and I stayed at the Barfly dancing badly to cheesy music till the early hours. Somehow I had been convinced it would be a good idea to let 3 of my mates from Leeds sleep on my floor,which wasn't so bad but there are photos of Lewis floating round the internet naked on my roof-He violated my roof!damn it! Then on Friday another work Gig, Crime In Stereo this time, and they are rather good, I did intend to have an early night but I was with an old friend and alcohol convinced me I wasn't knackered, so I satyed up till stupid o clock,and spent the whole of saturday looking like a homeless and feeling like a zombie, but tiredness from fun is good tiredness right?

Also I have to plan, I am going to Hellfest in France this year, its not that far away and I need to get a move on.......Also for the US trip
Ravenisis and I will be in NYC at the tail end of August for a few days, then in Spetember I'll be heading to California, probably via Chicago, then on my way home I shall stop off in Detroit-phew!Hopefully everyone I want to see will be around when I'm there.
I'm kinda getting a bit worried about cash though, my job(the Music TV one) yet again haven't told me if my contract is being renewed, so yet again I don't know where my rent is coming from. I'm getting so sick of waiting to find out. I don't think its a very fair way to treat staff. Stressing me out is not productive.
ooh and yay Download fest is soon, more Dillinger!!
Thats it for now...
Love To All


I live in a perpetual state of confusion so I know how you feel. HUGS