Well I've been having lots of fun this week....Christmas is approaching and it means everyone can slack off work...Been to so many free company lunches I haven't gone grocery shopping in days....i've been busy and had some awesome people to talk to so my mind has been taken off things a bit. Bumped into email fuckwit in the lift and we ignored each other-good thing too......I went to the pub yesterday with some of London's 'Rock Media' crowd which was good and the night before I met my old boss and had a good natter and she gave me a lovely xmas present-lots of sparkly urban decay make up which I love. I have not done any xmas shopping though, I might do it tommorrow I know what I'm getting everyone its just I hate shopping at the best of times and at the moment with the crowds and all its even more unbearable...For the holidays I am going to camp at my mother's for 4 days, I have already forwarded her a bunch of my favourite Vegan recipes and I'm quite looking forward to going which is odd, normally I hate going home...but 4 days of amazing food and laziness are what I need right now.
I went to a couple of gigs last week, I saw The Subhumans who were awesome-and I got to rediscover my Punk roots. Then on Saturday my beautiful sister Ravenisis and I got to be blood girls at the london Carnivore show-it was hilarious we basically had to go into the crowd and throw bloody tampons on people!They thought it was extra funny because of my vegan tattoo..

Well thats about it for now-
I am so bored at work, we have finished the research we got hired to do and now we just sit here pretending to do stuff...I'd much rather be at home in bed.
I went to a couple of gigs last week, I saw The Subhumans who were awesome-and I got to rediscover my Punk roots. Then on Saturday my beautiful sister Ravenisis and I got to be blood girls at the london Carnivore show-it was hilarious we basically had to go into the crowd and throw bloody tampons on people!They thought it was extra funny because of my vegan tattoo..

Well thats about it for now-
I am so bored at work, we have finished the research we got hired to do and now we just sit here pretending to do stuff...I'd much rather be at home in bed.

Come be my Christmas present, except don't wait under the tree, my room is a lot more comfortable
