Well time for an update!
Im so excited, as well as my part time job in music TV, I have just got a part time job in publishing. Its awesome, I'm going to quit stripping but I'll still bar tend for a while at weekends (even though in the UK it doesnt pay much) I'm still saving to come to the states but my arrival will have to be delayed a little while, till January at least i think.But i'm so happy for the first time I really feel like my career is taking off, and that all the debt I got from university is worth it.
Apart from that I've been up to the usual, went to see a few bands, went to the Q awards aftershow on Monday which was super fun...Oh and on Sunday I went to the London tattoo convention. I spent way too much money, I bought these awesome amber plugs which have been carved from the back...and I also got to catch up with Frankie which was nice,we went for curry when everything finished and had a good natter...
Thats it really I've been staying in a lot and perfecting my embroidery, as I have been working so much a night in is a luxury!
Hope you guys are good!
Love to all,

p.s 1st Nov is world vegan day! spread the word!
if you'd like some more info go here
Im so excited, as well as my part time job in music TV, I have just got a part time job in publishing. Its awesome, I'm going to quit stripping but I'll still bar tend for a while at weekends (even though in the UK it doesnt pay much) I'm still saving to come to the states but my arrival will have to be delayed a little while, till January at least i think.But i'm so happy for the first time I really feel like my career is taking off, and that all the debt I got from university is worth it.
Apart from that I've been up to the usual, went to see a few bands, went to the Q awards aftershow on Monday which was super fun...Oh and on Sunday I went to the London tattoo convention. I spent way too much money, I bought these awesome amber plugs which have been carved from the back...and I also got to catch up with Frankie which was nice,we went for curry when everything finished and had a good natter...
Thats it really I've been staying in a lot and perfecting my embroidery, as I have been working so much a night in is a luxury!
Hope you guys are good!
Love to all,

p.s 1st Nov is world vegan day! spread the word!
if you'd like some more info go here
Yes, come to the states please!!

wow I adore yr new set