I started writing again today, but, but as a man...
I wonder sometimes if she sees it when it peeks out from the dark reaches of my mind. Does she see the flash of its golden eyes when it peers back at her?
If she does, does she have any idea what its capable of?
It took years, heck, decades, to wrestle it to a stand still, let alone the idea of taming it. I hear it roar from way back there each time her soft skin touches mine. Its chain snap tight and clank down again each time her sweet voice strikes my ear drum. I fear the day should those chains break free, and It comes racing out from its prison. What would happen then?
When she isn't around, its almost playful like a giant puppy. I would be content to go running through the woods or playing in a stream trying to catch passing fish. Its almost fun to wrestle with then, but then she comes by. It catches her scent on the wind or gets a glance of her glistening hair. Then, all hell breaks loose. It takes all I have to get it back in Its cage before it lays its primal eyes on her. It begins to snarl and hiss and howl. The instincts of a dozen hungry wolves fill its head. It can't help itself. It needs to hunt, to chase, to pounce, and to tear.
She says she wants to see it, that its cruel to pen it up like that. I dont think she realizes what could happen. I dont think she knows that I cant control it in her presence without the chains. Could I bear the guilt of releasing it? Could I live with what it would do to her? There is no way she could defend herself from it alone.
It would sink its claws into her supple flesh. Its teeth would plunge into her graceful neck with complete abandon. Its great strength would offer her no escape until It had Its full. Hair and clothing torn to the winds. Her shapely curves fodder for its insatiable hunger. The incredible sight of it released completely upon her may be more than my senses could handle. Could she ever forgive me?
Shake, Shake, Shake....
"Hey! Are you in there? Honey, do you like the dress or not?"
Whatcha guys think???
I wonder sometimes if she sees it when it peeks out from the dark reaches of my mind. Does she see the flash of its golden eyes when it peers back at her?
If she does, does she have any idea what its capable of?
It took years, heck, decades, to wrestle it to a stand still, let alone the idea of taming it. I hear it roar from way back there each time her soft skin touches mine. Its chain snap tight and clank down again each time her sweet voice strikes my ear drum. I fear the day should those chains break free, and It comes racing out from its prison. What would happen then?
When she isn't around, its almost playful like a giant puppy. I would be content to go running through the woods or playing in a stream trying to catch passing fish. Its almost fun to wrestle with then, but then she comes by. It catches her scent on the wind or gets a glance of her glistening hair. Then, all hell breaks loose. It takes all I have to get it back in Its cage before it lays its primal eyes on her. It begins to snarl and hiss and howl. The instincts of a dozen hungry wolves fill its head. It can't help itself. It needs to hunt, to chase, to pounce, and to tear.
She says she wants to see it, that its cruel to pen it up like that. I dont think she realizes what could happen. I dont think she knows that I cant control it in her presence without the chains. Could I bear the guilt of releasing it? Could I live with what it would do to her? There is no way she could defend herself from it alone.
It would sink its claws into her supple flesh. Its teeth would plunge into her graceful neck with complete abandon. Its great strength would offer her no escape until It had Its full. Hair and clothing torn to the winds. Her shapely curves fodder for its insatiable hunger. The incredible sight of it released completely upon her may be more than my senses could handle. Could she ever forgive me?
Shake, Shake, Shake....
"Hey! Are you in there? Honey, do you like the dress or not?"
Whatcha guys think???
That's cool. 

yeah that's how i feel too. ha ha. good writing though.