Sex rant. Be warned. I'm about to educate.
Why is it some of you seem to hate foreplay? Don't you understand 90% of the turn on for women is the build up? The brain is the largest sexual organ in the body, FUCKING STIMULATE IT PROPERLY! Now I'm not stupid. I'm aware this takes time. Best sex I've ever had had several hours of teasing and play long before the actual act of intercourse began. By the time we did start my nerves were so on high it took no time to orgasm... Several times.All that body worship and exploring each other paid off big time. I felt like a goddess.
30% of women have never had an orgasm before.
Guys you need to accept and acknowledge we're just put together a little more complex than you and that takes time and care and lots of patience.
Now ladies you're not off the hook just yet we ALL need to break this nasty lying habit we have. How is a guy (or sexy lady) supposed to know when he's doing something right if you keep faking your orgasms? Sex is a very critical part to intimacy and you're being dishonest about it? Shame on you.
I've done it too. We all have. But if you have a man willing to put in the work to better not lie even if your think you're avoiding hurt feelings or a deflated ego.
Also, I feel like a lot of us focus too much on the orgasm we forget the real meaning of intimacy in the first place... It's to feel good and connect with your partner. I've had sex many times that was amazing, didn't get off. And that's ok. I felt connected to my person, wore out and full of happy feelings. That's the goal. Now of course in an ideal world we'd get off every time, I mean guys usually do. But let's face it, a stiff breeze and a pretty lady can bring most men to orgasm so realistically it's hard to devote the time and effort it takes for women. But you need to as often as possible. I can't even tell you how many relationships fail because people don't feel connected to their partners anymore. As humans we connect in many ways mentally, spiritually, and physically. Great sex should do all three.
This means when she looks nice for you you don't just say oh you look nice today, you pull her close and whisper in her ear that you long for her. Women you can do this too. When your mans having a long stressful day at work a little text with something as simple as, "I want you" can turn his mood better quite quickly.
When a woman wears something sexy for you to bed. Take your time removing it. We put a lot of thought and effort into these kinds of decisions so sit back and admire her for a second. This whole why bother if you're going to take it off anyways attitude disgusts me. Play along. Make her feel desirable and that you lust for her, it'll pay off in the end.
Men I want you to use your cliticual thinking skills here. Look at a penis. Look at a vulva. Find the clitoris. Show me where on your penis it stimulates the clitoris. Oh, no where!? Funny maybe you should stop bitching about your toy envy and accept the fact that the clitoral orgasm is one of the most powerful reliable orgasms a woman will have in her life time. Most women don't have orgasms from intercourse, can we? Sure. But we'll probably need some help and it's all about repetitive motions and relaxation for women. If you seem rushed or frustrated well feed off that and get nervous. Biggest mood killer ever. The clit is the only body part made purely for pleasure that's it's only job. It has the largest concentration of nerve endings in the human body. Far more than the head of a penis.
You find that shit and you fucking worship it.
Communication, understanding, and compromise.
It's a pretty simple formula but I notice a lot of couples are missing some steps.
Communicate- if your partner doesn't know what you want how can they provide it for you? Women are bad about this we assume people can read or minds. They can't. Stop this shit. You want oral more often? Fucking say so.
Understanding- a compassion less romance one will be a short one. Making someone feel weird or judged for what they like is the worst thing you can do to a persons self esteem. If your partner brings up a desire and you laugh it off I can almost guarantee they'll never be honest with you about touchy subjects and many will go else where to find someone more open.
Compromise- oh boyfriend you want half hour blow jobs and sammichs every day!? Well good, I want a full body oil massage starting with my feet and you to go down on me until I orgasm and be ok with me not touching you at all. Seems fair right? Well maybe to some but to most should be a half and half deal. If your partner wants to try something you're not wild about. Go for it anyways. Now you can get something you want later for being so awesome and adventurous.
I hear a lot about wandering men and cheating women. I actually sympathize more than most. I get bored pretty easily it takes a lot to keep my attention. Very rarely do happy satisfied people cheat. You can hate on that cheater all you want by let's be real here if you only bang once a month and your eyes are closed and you dead fish the whole thing, what the fuck did you expect to happen? It's our natural primal desire to feel wanted well an often when someone's not they may stray. Don't get too comfortable, stay on top of your game. Just because you snagged that person doesn't mean your work is done. Relationships over all are work, sex is no different. But hard workers have the best pay out.
This has been a public service announcement... now everyone go study what I taught you today
Why is it some of you seem to hate foreplay? Don't you understand 90% of the turn on for women is the build up? The brain is the largest sexual organ in the body, FUCKING STIMULATE IT PROPERLY! Now I'm not stupid. I'm aware this takes time. Best sex I've ever had had several hours of teasing and play long before the actual act of intercourse began. By the time we did start my nerves were so on high it took no time to orgasm... Several times.All that body worship and exploring each other paid off big time. I felt like a goddess.
30% of women have never had an orgasm before.
Guys you need to accept and acknowledge we're just put together a little more complex than you and that takes time and care and lots of patience.
Now ladies you're not off the hook just yet we ALL need to break this nasty lying habit we have. How is a guy (or sexy lady) supposed to know when he's doing something right if you keep faking your orgasms? Sex is a very critical part to intimacy and you're being dishonest about it? Shame on you.
I've done it too. We all have. But if you have a man willing to put in the work to better not lie even if your think you're avoiding hurt feelings or a deflated ego.
Also, I feel like a lot of us focus too much on the orgasm we forget the real meaning of intimacy in the first place... It's to feel good and connect with your partner. I've had sex many times that was amazing, didn't get off. And that's ok. I felt connected to my person, wore out and full of happy feelings. That's the goal. Now of course in an ideal world we'd get off every time, I mean guys usually do. But let's face it, a stiff breeze and a pretty lady can bring most men to orgasm so realistically it's hard to devote the time and effort it takes for women. But you need to as often as possible. I can't even tell you how many relationships fail because people don't feel connected to their partners anymore. As humans we connect in many ways mentally, spiritually, and physically. Great sex should do all three.
This means when she looks nice for you you don't just say oh you look nice today, you pull her close and whisper in her ear that you long for her. Women you can do this too. When your mans having a long stressful day at work a little text with something as simple as, "I want you" can turn his mood better quite quickly.
When a woman wears something sexy for you to bed. Take your time removing it. We put a lot of thought and effort into these kinds of decisions so sit back and admire her for a second. This whole why bother if you're going to take it off anyways attitude disgusts me. Play along. Make her feel desirable and that you lust for her, it'll pay off in the end.
Men I want you to use your cliticual thinking skills here. Look at a penis. Look at a vulva. Find the clitoris. Show me where on your penis it stimulates the clitoris. Oh, no where!? Funny maybe you should stop bitching about your toy envy and accept the fact that the clitoral orgasm is one of the most powerful reliable orgasms a woman will have in her life time. Most women don't have orgasms from intercourse, can we? Sure. But we'll probably need some help and it's all about repetitive motions and relaxation for women. If you seem rushed or frustrated well feed off that and get nervous. Biggest mood killer ever. The clit is the only body part made purely for pleasure that's it's only job. It has the largest concentration of nerve endings in the human body. Far more than the head of a penis.
You find that shit and you fucking worship it.
Communication, understanding, and compromise.
It's a pretty simple formula but I notice a lot of couples are missing some steps.
Communicate- if your partner doesn't know what you want how can they provide it for you? Women are bad about this we assume people can read or minds. They can't. Stop this shit. You want oral more often? Fucking say so.
Understanding- a compassion less romance one will be a short one. Making someone feel weird or judged for what they like is the worst thing you can do to a persons self esteem. If your partner brings up a desire and you laugh it off I can almost guarantee they'll never be honest with you about touchy subjects and many will go else where to find someone more open.
Compromise- oh boyfriend you want half hour blow jobs and sammichs every day!? Well good, I want a full body oil massage starting with my feet and you to go down on me until I orgasm and be ok with me not touching you at all. Seems fair right? Well maybe to some but to most should be a half and half deal. If your partner wants to try something you're not wild about. Go for it anyways. Now you can get something you want later for being so awesome and adventurous.
I hear a lot about wandering men and cheating women. I actually sympathize more than most. I get bored pretty easily it takes a lot to keep my attention. Very rarely do happy satisfied people cheat. You can hate on that cheater all you want by let's be real here if you only bang once a month and your eyes are closed and you dead fish the whole thing, what the fuck did you expect to happen? It's our natural primal desire to feel wanted well an often when someone's not they may stray. Don't get too comfortable, stay on top of your game. Just because you snagged that person doesn't mean your work is done. Relationships over all are work, sex is no different. But hard workers have the best pay out.
This has been a public service announcement... now everyone go study what I taught you today

Thank you 

I wish this were broadcast over school intercoms across the country on a regular basis, and radio and T.V. with amusing cartoon like visuals for emphasis.