This is one of the those days where my desire to maintain a regular journal runs into the brick wall of not having anything meaningful to say. I'd hate to be reduced to talking about the weather. Although, that does bring up a somewhat related topic. It's been raining in my town quite a bit, much more than is typical, and when I go to walk the dog in the morning and evening I need to be careful because there are pools of water that have collected near the sidewalk at different points. And it made me think about just how bad the sidewalks are. They're fine for me, more or less, because I have legs and I can negotiate them fairly easily. But for a person stuck in a wheelchair, the sidewalks would be an absolute nightmare. There are points where a wheelchair would be completely obstructed, and what do you do then? Go into the road? Since I ride the bus fairly often I'm already familiar with just how much the city is built around cars, but walk around it and it really becomes clear to you that cars, not people, are the main design feature of my city.