Yeah, I know it's been a month again already since I posted my last blog!
I would love to say it's the ole' "my how time flies when you are having fun" kind of thing but unfortunately it's been more like "just keep your head down and plow freakin' through it!". Life's been just a blur!
Dunno how to even go about running through everything so that it will make sense so I'm just gonna start spewin'...hope you will bare with me. I've been struggling with my Lupus since February and I'm just so tired of it! The latest chapter in the story is that I have to start anti-biotics for every stupid little thing that happens...the little biopsy spot on my leg, the burn on my hand and now for a mole that I had removed because nothing heals the way that it should. Each time an infection starts and then once the infection starts I have a Lupus flare and I'm really very tired of this carousel ride! I'm going to be seeing a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks and am hoping to explore some different treatments for the Lupus because so far the one that I've been on just hasn't been making that much of a difference for me.
Ryan and my daughter qtshooter have both been having a lot of health issues as well. They both see the same doctor that I see; she's really very sharp when it comes to diagnosing illnesses. Many of you followed the saga of Ryan's brain surgery scare back last fall with all of those crazy symptoms he was having...first the doctors thought it was just migraines, then they thought it was from a Chiari malformation of his brain and then finally they thought he might have MS. He saw just a gob of doctors and specialists for it...even a neurosurgeon at the Childrens Hospital in Seattle and it took my Family Nurse Practitioner exactly two visits to figure out what was at the root of everything that's plagued him since he turned 14. Yeah, she's just that good! Honestly, she may have figured it out sooner if I hadn't been so freakin' sick the first time she saw him; our appointments were together and he ended up getting the short-end of that stick because I was in such bad shape that day. Anyway as it would turn out BOTH kids had the same underlying medical issue in that they have rheumatic fever after having carried the strep bacteria in their systems for years. One simple blood test was all it took for her to confirm the diagnosis and start unraveling where the rheumatic fever's damaged the two of them. So before I go any further with this...I just HAVE to say that if your kids ever get strep throat please, please, please make sure you take them back to the doctor to re-test for strep after they are finished with the anti-biotics! I didn't know that strep could stay active in your system after the strep throat symptoms went away and it's caused both of my kids to have long-term medical problems. *sighs* Ryan's strep count was twice the amount considered to be high and qtshooter's was 50% higher; the doctors are pretty sure that's what caused Ryan to become a type-1 diabetic to begin with. They've both recently had echocardiograms that both showed heart abnormalities...the next step was/is a procedure where a small probe with a camera on the end is swallowed so that the cardiologist can get a better look at what's going on with their hearts. As it would turn out, they both have holes between the two halves of their hearts with allows blood to leak back and forth between the two sides...Ryan's isn't bad enough at this point in time to warrant a surgical intervention and we're still waiting to find out about my daughter's status.
Other than that...the time between May 29th and the 23rd of June is usually pretty difficult for me even under the best of circumstances as it's the month in which both of the anniversaries of my parents deaths falls in. My mother died on Memorial day two years ago and my father died on June 23rd twelve years ago now...then of course there's the Father's Day holiday and their wedding anniversary right smack in between the two dates. Needless to say it's been a pretty hard last month!
So when you add all of that you know why you've not heard from me for yet another month. I keep thinking things are going to get easier but no such luck so far!
One of these days I hope to get the chance to catch up with everyone here because I miss you! Till then maybe you can just leave me a message telling me what's up in your world these days, K?
Much loves to you

Dunno how to even go about running through everything so that it will make sense so I'm just gonna start spewin'...hope you will bare with me. I've been struggling with my Lupus since February and I'm just so tired of it! The latest chapter in the story is that I have to start anti-biotics for every stupid little thing that happens...the little biopsy spot on my leg, the burn on my hand and now for a mole that I had removed because nothing heals the way that it should. Each time an infection starts and then once the infection starts I have a Lupus flare and I'm really very tired of this carousel ride! I'm going to be seeing a rheumatologist in a couple of weeks and am hoping to explore some different treatments for the Lupus because so far the one that I've been on just hasn't been making that much of a difference for me.
Ryan and my daughter qtshooter have both been having a lot of health issues as well. They both see the same doctor that I see; she's really very sharp when it comes to diagnosing illnesses. Many of you followed the saga of Ryan's brain surgery scare back last fall with all of those crazy symptoms he was having...first the doctors thought it was just migraines, then they thought it was from a Chiari malformation of his brain and then finally they thought he might have MS. He saw just a gob of doctors and specialists for it...even a neurosurgeon at the Childrens Hospital in Seattle and it took my Family Nurse Practitioner exactly two visits to figure out what was at the root of everything that's plagued him since he turned 14. Yeah, she's just that good! Honestly, she may have figured it out sooner if I hadn't been so freakin' sick the first time she saw him; our appointments were together and he ended up getting the short-end of that stick because I was in such bad shape that day. Anyway as it would turn out BOTH kids had the same underlying medical issue in that they have rheumatic fever after having carried the strep bacteria in their systems for years. One simple blood test was all it took for her to confirm the diagnosis and start unraveling where the rheumatic fever's damaged the two of them. So before I go any further with this...I just HAVE to say that if your kids ever get strep throat please, please, please make sure you take them back to the doctor to re-test for strep after they are finished with the anti-biotics! I didn't know that strep could stay active in your system after the strep throat symptoms went away and it's caused both of my kids to have long-term medical problems. *sighs* Ryan's strep count was twice the amount considered to be high and qtshooter's was 50% higher; the doctors are pretty sure that's what caused Ryan to become a type-1 diabetic to begin with. They've both recently had echocardiograms that both showed heart abnormalities...the next step was/is a procedure where a small probe with a camera on the end is swallowed so that the cardiologist can get a better look at what's going on with their hearts. As it would turn out, they both have holes between the two halves of their hearts with allows blood to leak back and forth between the two sides...Ryan's isn't bad enough at this point in time to warrant a surgical intervention and we're still waiting to find out about my daughter's status.
Other than that...the time between May 29th and the 23rd of June is usually pretty difficult for me even under the best of circumstances as it's the month in which both of the anniversaries of my parents deaths falls in. My mother died on Memorial day two years ago and my father died on June 23rd twelve years ago now...then of course there's the Father's Day holiday and their wedding anniversary right smack in between the two dates. Needless to say it's been a pretty hard last month!
So when you add all of that you know why you've not heard from me for yet another month. I keep thinking things are going to get easier but no such luck so far!
One of these days I hope to get the chance to catch up with everyone here because I miss you! Till then maybe you can just leave me a message telling me what's up in your world these days, K?
Much loves to you

Happy 4th

damnit tell me next time you do that!!! lol