Yeah so I had every intention of coming back this last weekend to update my blog...but you know how that goes
Too much RW interfering with my interwebz time these days!
The rest of the weekend was just as awesome as my Friday evening was...if you missed my Friday blog it was just a short note talking about scurrying home to someone special and just enjoying "being" and the remainder of my weekend was much the same. Flashmo and I just hung out at home, watched a few good movies, went for a drive in his new truck, slept in a little, played with the dogs and had the boy kid and his boyfriend over for dinner Sunday night. It was one of those weekends where nothing especially noteworthy happened, yet when you add all of the moments together the sum becomes something very special. I'm so happy that he is home...and honestly, it's as if he never left in that we just picked up our lives where we left them off in July without skipping a beat!
I wanted to say that I really appreciated all of the well wishes last week when I posted the blog about not having been feelin' well lately from a Lupus flare; you all are very sweet and it helps to know that there are people who care. I'm still waiting for the results of my ANA test to see how the antibodies are now after being on the immune system suppressent for the last six months...evidently my doctor had a funeral to go to out of town last Friday so she hasn't had a chance to read the results yet. I'm trying my best to be patient but HOLY HELL I wanna know what it said like right now, right away! In some ways I feel as if we've made a great deal of progress but then with the flare recently it's hard to be sure without seeing the numbers on the ANA test.
I wanted to post an update on Ryan since I've not done so in awhile...he's in Pocatello now and when he moved down here he brought along his boyfriend with him. We'd not met the boyfriend previously and were pleasantly surprised at what an awesome kid he seems to be. They are currently living with his sister Qtshooter until they can find some work and save a couple of paychecks up to find a place of their own. Ryan is still having significant medical issues and has recently had to start using a cane to help keep him from falling. He still has the headaches, the vision disturbances, balance issues and cognitive issues with memory, concentration and being able to string the appropriate words together when speaking. Over the course of the last month or so it is beginning to look like his situation is being caused by MS as opposed to the Chiari. One thing we learned about Chiari along the way was that lots of people can have Chiari without actually having symptoms from it and that often a Chiari is found in the course of looking for another neurological disorder. It isn't too surprising to think that it might be MS though as Spokane and the surrounding area is the MS capital of the world! As someone who lived in Spokane for 25 years, MS is something that I am quite familiar with and I had wondered about that WAY back in the beginning of all of this and after they found the brain malformation I just kinda forgot about it. Anyway, we are waiting for Ryan's medicaid application for Idaho to be approved and hopefully in two weeks he will be seeing the same provider that diagnosed my Lupus after 15 years of people not knowing what was wrong with me. *crosses fingers* All-in-all though, he seems to be taking much of this in stride and I've been UBER impressed with how loving and caring his partner is! For a 19 year old kid, he has shown a good deal of maturity when it comes to being supportive of Ryan and I'm grateful that Ryan has someone to be there for him.
Flashmo and I have been pretty busy with work, keeping the house up, and taking care of the dog pound lately and have been filling some of our spare time with other hobbies and activites other than SG, too. He's back into training as a competetive rifle shooter, which keeps him busy two or three nights a week practicing with his SCATT machine and air rifle in the basement. I'm super happy that he's picked up his rifle again! He is quite an impressive shooter...holds several National Records with USAA shooting and the NRA. I'd like to get back into shooting my pistol seriously as well but for obvious reasons I am unable to practice here in the house with him
We're still figuring out the whole indoor range thing here in our area but think that we've finally found one that is do-able! In the interim, the only shooting I've been doing is when we take the 4 wheelers out into the desert. I've been working of getting my craft room up and running so that I can resume my crafty hobbies of painting glass, making cards and other paper crafting things, stenciling, etc. This is the first time EVAR that I've had my own craft space so I'm freakin' ecstatic about it
Anyway, we'll be around still...I promise!
I gotta say a big ole' thanks to my dear friend Jaeb1n for sending me a package all the way from Australia for my birthday!! WOOT WOOT! That was UBER amazin' to receive love and I really, really appreciated it
Jaeb1n's working dog Teasha even sent Flash and the girls a big bag of Aussie dog treats, too! Thank you sweetie, you ROCK!!
I think that's all I got for now! Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I'm still alive and kickin'
I've been working this last week on paring down my friends list so that I'm more easily able to keep in touch with the people who make an effort to keep in touch with me....dropped about thirty already and I'm sure I'll have another thirty to go before I'm done. If I've recently dropped you and you want to know's most likely because I've not heard from you in several months, or better yet not at all since we became friends. Sorry but I'm here to try to make some real connections with people and have been fortunate enough to find some incredibly wonderful friends as a result.
Much loves to you all!

The rest of the weekend was just as awesome as my Friday evening was...if you missed my Friday blog it was just a short note talking about scurrying home to someone special and just enjoying "being" and the remainder of my weekend was much the same. Flashmo and I just hung out at home, watched a few good movies, went for a drive in his new truck, slept in a little, played with the dogs and had the boy kid and his boyfriend over for dinner Sunday night. It was one of those weekends where nothing especially noteworthy happened, yet when you add all of the moments together the sum becomes something very special. I'm so happy that he is home...and honestly, it's as if he never left in that we just picked up our lives where we left them off in July without skipping a beat!

I wanted to say that I really appreciated all of the well wishes last week when I posted the blog about not having been feelin' well lately from a Lupus flare; you all are very sweet and it helps to know that there are people who care. I'm still waiting for the results of my ANA test to see how the antibodies are now after being on the immune system suppressent for the last six months...evidently my doctor had a funeral to go to out of town last Friday so she hasn't had a chance to read the results yet. I'm trying my best to be patient but HOLY HELL I wanna know what it said like right now, right away! In some ways I feel as if we've made a great deal of progress but then with the flare recently it's hard to be sure without seeing the numbers on the ANA test.
I wanted to post an update on Ryan since I've not done so in awhile...he's in Pocatello now and when he moved down here he brought along his boyfriend with him. We'd not met the boyfriend previously and were pleasantly surprised at what an awesome kid he seems to be. They are currently living with his sister Qtshooter until they can find some work and save a couple of paychecks up to find a place of their own. Ryan is still having significant medical issues and has recently had to start using a cane to help keep him from falling. He still has the headaches, the vision disturbances, balance issues and cognitive issues with memory, concentration and being able to string the appropriate words together when speaking. Over the course of the last month or so it is beginning to look like his situation is being caused by MS as opposed to the Chiari. One thing we learned about Chiari along the way was that lots of people can have Chiari without actually having symptoms from it and that often a Chiari is found in the course of looking for another neurological disorder. It isn't too surprising to think that it might be MS though as Spokane and the surrounding area is the MS capital of the world! As someone who lived in Spokane for 25 years, MS is something that I am quite familiar with and I had wondered about that WAY back in the beginning of all of this and after they found the brain malformation I just kinda forgot about it. Anyway, we are waiting for Ryan's medicaid application for Idaho to be approved and hopefully in two weeks he will be seeing the same provider that diagnosed my Lupus after 15 years of people not knowing what was wrong with me. *crosses fingers* All-in-all though, he seems to be taking much of this in stride and I've been UBER impressed with how loving and caring his partner is! For a 19 year old kid, he has shown a good deal of maturity when it comes to being supportive of Ryan and I'm grateful that Ryan has someone to be there for him.
Flashmo and I have been pretty busy with work, keeping the house up, and taking care of the dog pound lately and have been filling some of our spare time with other hobbies and activites other than SG, too. He's back into training as a competetive rifle shooter, which keeps him busy two or three nights a week practicing with his SCATT machine and air rifle in the basement. I'm super happy that he's picked up his rifle again! He is quite an impressive shooter...holds several National Records with USAA shooting and the NRA. I'd like to get back into shooting my pistol seriously as well but for obvious reasons I am unable to practice here in the house with him

I gotta say a big ole' thanks to my dear friend Jaeb1n for sending me a package all the way from Australia for my birthday!! WOOT WOOT! That was UBER amazin' to receive love and I really, really appreciated it

I think that's all I got for now! Just wanted to make sure everyone knew that I'm still alive and kickin'

Much loves to you all!

Oddly enough, where I grew up in Kentucky is like the Lupus capital of the states. I had at least four friends from high school diagnosed with it back when we were all teenagers. My closest friend at the time, Karen, has it. She's running marathons all over the world these days, though, in spite of docs saying it's not great for her joints. She was a runner before she was diagnosed, gave it up for years, has felt good for many years now, so she decided, "fuck it." and went back to running.
Anyway--wow, did I get side tracked! I'm glad Flashmo is home and things are settling back in at the dogpound. You take care and thanks for updating all of us.