Lupus flare+slow thyroid= GAAAAACCK!!
I'm sorry that I've not been around much lately...I've kind of been feeling like hell for a couple of weeks now because of a Lupus flare, which has in turn caused a Fibromyalgia flare and then throw a thyroid that is runnin' too slow and it's causing me to struggle a bit to keep things all together Even more frustrating to me than having higher than normal pain levels has been all of the cognitive issues that go hand-in-hand with these types of auto-immune disorders! My brain just isn't firing on all cyclinders right now, and it's kind of like thinking through a head full of gauze or cotton candy. When this happens, I have a difficult time forming cohesive thoughts, finding the right words to use, remembering pretty much everything and I have to ask the same questions over and over again I just HATE it!!
So, I am just waiting for some changes in my medication to take hold so I am hoping to be feeling better soon! Hope you are all well!
Much loves to you
I posted what amounted to a totally positive blog for a change earlier this evening. What a good feeling that was. Everyone has been so concerned. You and my other friends and loved ones deserve this change as much as I do, because you've all helped make it happen.