Time for a quickie!!
I am going to be up to my spider biten ass in boxers later today, so I wanted to put up a quickie blog this morning just in case I don't have the chance to get by again for awhile...
I'm hoping to adopt these precious little grls from the pound:
How on earth anybody could turn such beautiful animals in to the pound, I'll never know...but they did and I'm so EXCITED about being able to bring home some little friends for my Flashy to play with. He LOVES playing with other dogs...and has been in desperate need of a sister or brother for quite some time!!
And a quick update on the spider bite:
I just wanted to start by saying I HATE FUCKIN' SPIDERS!!
*whew!* I feel much better now that I got that off my chest
Thanks to everyone who called or left me messages about the spider bite, I really appreciated your concern. It was a LONG weekend last weekend, but I was fortunate enough to have
Flashmo home with me while recuperating from the nastiness growin' in my butt cheek
If you've not heard the story about my little hobo spider friend, click the spoiler for last weeks blog on it.
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
The little bastard bit me in the ass last Sunday sometime...I think it was when I was downstairs shooting the pictures that I posted last weekend for my honey. I didn't really notice it right away, I kind of remember thinking that something hurt for a second but it was pretty quick and then I didn't give it any more thought after that. A little later in the afternoon, I noticed what looked to me to be a zit starting on my butt. I didn't feel especially well, but just figured I was having a bad symptom day from my Lupus. Overnight, it got a little bigger but still not worriesome...by Tuesday morning, I was starting to see a red ring forming around the spot but was still not that worried about it. I thought it was a little cyst or something and then by the afternoon that day I knew that whatever it was probably needed to be seen by a doctor because the red ring around it had grown to be better than three inches across, was bright red, hot and painful and the little spot in the center had turned to a knot. I called my doctor's office, left a message for her to call me and then let my boss know that I might have to take the next morning off for an appointment and it wasn't until she said "Oh, I bet that's a spider bite!" when that thought finally occured to me. She's had a few Hobo spider bites, as have her children and she knew right away when I started to describe it to her the rest of what I was going to say and convinced me that I better go in and get it looked at. I ended up going to the Urgent Care that night and the doctor there confirmed that it was indeed a spider bite, probably from a Hobo. By Tuesday evening I started antibiotics, and things started to get a little better by the next day for a little while...the redness and swelling started to go down on the red ring but with the knot in the center getting a little angrier looking and it was becoming more painful. The next couple days kept up the same, with the redness around the outside getting a little better, but becoming increasingly painful and then by last night it had become pretty intolerable. Flashmo ended up having to help me drain it last night, and I'd say that that experience was one of the most painful things I've ever been through! I was laying there, in pain...feeling the worst that I have in I don't know how long...and then when I just couldn't take it anymore he held me in his arms while I wept and that was when my moment of clarity arrived. He was so sweet about it, so loving as he wrapped me in his arms and I knew how incredibly lucky that I am to have someone like him to share my life with. It's not that I don't normally consider myself fortunate in that respect...it's just that there are some moments when that gratitude rushes over you like a wave and sweeps away all of the badness.
Flashmo ended up having to drain the bite for me all weekend long, and if he hadn't have been here to do it I'm sure I would have ended up in the hospital over the weekend. I now know why you hear about people who have their bites burst on them, leaving big nasty holes because the amount of yuck that kept accumulating in my bite was amazing.
This was taken the night I went to the doctor...it actually got worse from there!
Anyway, it's getting better little by little. I'm guessing that I'll be on antibiotics for a few more weeks, just to make sure that it's completely healed and free from any infection.
I gotta get heading for today....least for now!
Wish me luck with my beevy of boxers this afternoon, I'm thinking I'm gonna need it
Much loves to you all
Be safe my sweet darlin
Hope you're able to adopt. They'll definitely have a loving home with you.