*********WARNING!! THIS BLOG MAY SELF-DESTRUCT IN 5...4....3...2...1...or.... maybe not!

Actually, what I should say is that this blog does not hold any guarantees by the blogger to the bloggee (you) to do or be any of the following:
*make any damn sense... it's still early!
*be fair and or politically correct in any way... fuck 'em if they can't take a joke!
*contain any nutritional value what-so-ever...so make sure to eat your wheaties!
* have any real merit...what do I know anyway?
*serve any real purpose...just mad ramblings from an overwhelmed crazy woman!
All that being said...feel free to enter at your own risk!!
*ends bullshit disclaimer*
SPOILERS! (Click to view)
Is it me or has the world just gone fuckin' mad????
I watched the Presidential debates last night, after learning yesterday morning that the bank that I've been a customer of since like before time began was seized by the FDIC and sold at the last minute to JP Morgan Chase, and I just gotta say that I wasn't really "WOW'd" by either of them! I felt them both to be out of touch with us common little folk who worry about things like where we are going to be able to gas up our cars tomorrow, or how much a gallon of milk is gonna cost for our kids' breakfast cereal and was less than convinced that either of them has a complete grasp on just how close we seem to be to complete and utter pandemonium these days! I had originally planned to watch the debate last evening in hopes of alleviating some of my growing anxiety about the future of our country, and found myself feeling zipping right past anxiety to fullfledged freakin' the fuck out by the time that the 90 minute debate was over. I'm not gonna pretend that I have all of the answers to our current economic and foreign policy issues here in the US, but I do know that the constant bickering, finger pointing, grandstanding and all of the other business as usual bullshit that is happening in our Nations capitol is not...I repeat not...the answer to our problems.
I'm waiting for a leader who has big enough cajones to look the television camera in the eye and tell us what we really need to hear right about now...and that is that as a country, we need to find a way to return to the spirit that allowed us to win a couple of WW's. We need someone who is willing to make the case to us that it is time for us as a country to make some freakin' sacrifices for the good of the whole before it's too late. I know that there have been many who've already sacrificed for the good of our nation, and I'm grateful to the men and women of the armed services, and to their families, for all of the sacrifices they have already made...but what I'm talking about is the type of sacrifice that most every man, woman and child made during the war efforts back in the 1940's. Would I be willing to do with less, or pay more if I knew that there was some sort of cohesive plan to take those contributions and turn them into a tangible effort to come up with a Energy policy that allows us to overcome our dependence on foreign oil? Abso-freakin'-lutely!! Or to take those "newly found" resources and direct them towards lowering our National debt that is currently being financed by countries that are not friendly to our national interests? In a heartbeat! Or how about taking those contributions and building back up our strategic reserves on the items that we need so that we can run our factories, operate our National defense, feed our people, etc.etc.etc. if suddenly we lost the influx of those items from around the world? Yes, yes, yes! Or maybe funneling those contributions into a real effort to rebuild our crumbling inferstructures, factories and refineries? Indeed! Wouldn't you? I'm waiting for someone who is willing to start with his or her own standard of living, and to lead this country by example...the WHOLE country, including the wealthy elite who so often seem exempt. Someone who has the ability to inspire this generation, and those who follow us to chose a course of national service, even if it was just for a little while, once they had received an education and have reached the age of majority. In this day and age, all of these things are possible...and more that I'm sure I've not even considered, but in my opinion, real change won't happen until we as a nation get beyond the factions that divide us, and put forth a collected effort as the United States that we are supposed to be. We need a leader who is not consumed with a desire to make political office his or her career, one that is not afraid of asking us to make these tough sacrifices now.
History has shown us what we are capable of overcoming. In my opinion, if there was ever a time for that kind of effort, it is now.
*end rant*
I just wanted to wish my dear friend Lilli a speedy recovery, wish my honey Flashmo a speedy rest of his week in Van Nyes, wish my friends Pisces101 and Aldremech a time machine to make the next 25 or so days go by in the blink of an eye, and wish all of you an awesome weekend!!
Lots and lots of loves to you all
Do we have a choice?....