Happy Labor Day SG!! Hope your Labor Day weekend was an awesome one
For me, this weekend had some extra signifigance as it's the one year anniversary ot when Flashmo and I moved to Pocatello from Spokane. WOW!! I can't believe that it's been an entire year already; the thought just blows my mind!!
Before I get too much farther into my blog tonight...I have a video blog to post from earlier today. I've been wanting to give the whole "vlog" thing a try since Flashmo and I picked up the webcam for my 'puter, so without any further ado....Here's my first Vlog!!
That was alot of fun...and I"m amazed that it actually turned out on my first try
But hey, I guess some things are just meant to be...are they not? Thanks to Nalchellda, Bald_Eagle, Frankus and Flashmo for their questions, and I hope they have been answered to your satisfaction
OK, so back to this being the one year anniversary of when Flashmo and I moved to Pokey...It's been quite a year for us here, and there has been at least one occasion where I've thought to myself "OMG, how on earth did we get here??" and "what in the world were we thinking?!" But... I should tell you that it's not the town itself that would cause me to think those things because ito abso-freakin'-lutely beautiful here in Southern Idaho, I just love it! It's just that the town is UBER highly populated with one specific religious group that dominates a big hunk of the public opinion here, and I've found myself in predicaments several times due to the fact that I'm not one of them. Also, I'm not anywhere near enough conservative for their taste...which is certainly evident when I go out to places like restaurants or the grocery store...the looks I get sometimes just blow me away, especially the ones from other women!
Flashmo and I have tried to meet our neighbors, and make friends with some of the people that we work with, but our only friends here are the people we've met hanging out at the titty bar...other dancers and patrons, etc. Not that hanging out with a bunch of dancers is necessarily a bad thing, cuz those girls are a HOOT!! It would just be nice to have some other couple friends to hang out with sometimes, or even neighbors that you could talk to over the fence when you are both out in the yard.
All that being said...something absolutely beautiful and incredible has come from the move here...and it just may be due to the fact that we've not met other like-minded people since we've been here. Flashmo and I've always had a good marriage, one that started from a great friendship almost 18 years ago...but since we've been here, we've rediscovered the fact that we are best friends in addition to being husband and wife, and lovers. It's been an amazing experience, and for that I am grateful!! My only hope would be that he be able to be at home more often...and if things go according to plan, that may be the case sometime in the next few months. We have so much fun together...no matter whether we are riding 4-wheelers, riding his motorcycle, camping, watching for antelope, hanging out at the titty bar or just "being" at home, it's all good!
Have a few pictures for you guys:

Our old house...we put it on the market expecting it to be at least a month for any offers to come in, and it sold in three days!!

So...we ended up living out at Flashmo's Mom and Dad's place in our RV for a month awaiting our new home in Pocatello to be vacated! I think I am making sloppy joes in this picture

Flash the wonder boxer, and Flashmo hanging out in our "front yard" at the RV

This is Flash giving his Grandma and Grandpa a big kiss at our last dinner together before leaving town!

And...since we were living in the RV waiting for the new house, all of our stuff ended up here for awhile!

That little baby Uhaul trailer was on the back of the jinormous Uhaul that Flashmo got to drive 600 miles to our new home

This was the boy kid looking impressed with the idea of moving!

And this is Flash, looking impressed with the 600 mile drive! "Are we there yet?"
I'm so glad we came!!
I wanted to clear up any confusion on the topic of my son getting married, as it seemed to be a little confusing for everyone when I blogged about it a week or so ago. I should have elaborated the first time, but just didn't want to go into it in depth at the time. Our son is gay...and married his best friend in order to obtain emancipated status with the state of Washington. We've known that he's gay for several years, but he didn't "come out" to us until last Fall after we moved to Pocatello from Spokane. That was part of the reason that he didn't want to stay here; he felt that he couldn't be himself and still be accepted by his peers at school, and had a few run-ins with the "cool kids", including having his glasses stolen in class when he went to the teachers desk to ask a question. Anyway, he wanted to move back to Spokane, and originally moved in with his grandparents...but the grass wasn't greener there either since Grandma and Grandpa wanted to keep too tight of a grip on him and he wasn't used to that after having pretty lenient curfews here. We looked into the options for emancipation after he decided that he was ready to live on his own...and the only way we could do it was for him to get married with our notarized written consent, and that's what he did. So...I guess the good news is that we don't have to worry about him producing any grandchildren for us at the age of 16!!
Other than that...my new job is going really well, and I can totally see myself being there for a very longtime! I'm super thrilled about it, as I have desperately hoping to find somewhere that I can kind of hang my hat longterm ever since we got to Idaho. I love what we are doing for the developmentally disabled...and although I do not work in direct care, I can feel good about the fact that without the revenues that I am able to obtain through my billings to Medicaid, there would be no way for the folks who are involved with direct care to help our participants.
Flashmo will finally be home on the 10th of September!! He will be home for a week again, and then have to head back to Van Nyes for an undetermined amount of time
The job that he is on was originally sold to him as an 8 week project...and it's already been that long and they aren't even halfway through. So, it's gonna be a little while until he's back at home with me! I'm hoping that in the end this will have all been worthwhille; I guess only time will tell if he receives the promotion into the management aspect of his trade. *fingers crossed*
Well, I think that's it for tonight! I have some new pictures that I took for Flashmo yesterday that I may post up...but I'm still editing them. Most of them will stay private for him...just cuz he's pretty special to me, but I hope to have a few up soon.
Big kisses to you all

Before I get too much farther into my blog tonight...I have a video blog to post from earlier today. I've been wanting to give the whole "vlog" thing a try since Flashmo and I picked up the webcam for my 'puter, so without any further ado....Here's my first Vlog!!
That was alot of fun...and I"m amazed that it actually turned out on my first try

OK, so back to this being the one year anniversary of when Flashmo and I moved to Pokey...It's been quite a year for us here, and there has been at least one occasion where I've thought to myself "OMG, how on earth did we get here??" and "what in the world were we thinking?!" But... I should tell you that it's not the town itself that would cause me to think those things because ito abso-freakin'-lutely beautiful here in Southern Idaho, I just love it! It's just that the town is UBER highly populated with one specific religious group that dominates a big hunk of the public opinion here, and I've found myself in predicaments several times due to the fact that I'm not one of them. Also, I'm not anywhere near enough conservative for their taste...which is certainly evident when I go out to places like restaurants or the grocery store...the looks I get sometimes just blow me away, especially the ones from other women!

Flashmo and I have tried to meet our neighbors, and make friends with some of the people that we work with, but our only friends here are the people we've met hanging out at the titty bar...other dancers and patrons, etc. Not that hanging out with a bunch of dancers is necessarily a bad thing, cuz those girls are a HOOT!! It would just be nice to have some other couple friends to hang out with sometimes, or even neighbors that you could talk to over the fence when you are both out in the yard.
All that being said...something absolutely beautiful and incredible has come from the move here...and it just may be due to the fact that we've not met other like-minded people since we've been here. Flashmo and I've always had a good marriage, one that started from a great friendship almost 18 years ago...but since we've been here, we've rediscovered the fact that we are best friends in addition to being husband and wife, and lovers. It's been an amazing experience, and for that I am grateful!! My only hope would be that he be able to be at home more often...and if things go according to plan, that may be the case sometime in the next few months. We have so much fun together...no matter whether we are riding 4-wheelers, riding his motorcycle, camping, watching for antelope, hanging out at the titty bar or just "being" at home, it's all good!

Have a few pictures for you guys:

Our old house...we put it on the market expecting it to be at least a month for any offers to come in, and it sold in three days!!

So...we ended up living out at Flashmo's Mom and Dad's place in our RV for a month awaiting our new home in Pocatello to be vacated! I think I am making sloppy joes in this picture

Flash the wonder boxer, and Flashmo hanging out in our "front yard" at the RV

This is Flash giving his Grandma and Grandpa a big kiss at our last dinner together before leaving town!

And...since we were living in the RV waiting for the new house, all of our stuff ended up here for awhile!

That little baby Uhaul trailer was on the back of the jinormous Uhaul that Flashmo got to drive 600 miles to our new home

This was the boy kid looking impressed with the idea of moving!

And this is Flash, looking impressed with the 600 mile drive! "Are we there yet?"


I wanted to clear up any confusion on the topic of my son getting married, as it seemed to be a little confusing for everyone when I blogged about it a week or so ago. I should have elaborated the first time, but just didn't want to go into it in depth at the time. Our son is gay...and married his best friend in order to obtain emancipated status with the state of Washington. We've known that he's gay for several years, but he didn't "come out" to us until last Fall after we moved to Pocatello from Spokane. That was part of the reason that he didn't want to stay here; he felt that he couldn't be himself and still be accepted by his peers at school, and had a few run-ins with the "cool kids", including having his glasses stolen in class when he went to the teachers desk to ask a question. Anyway, he wanted to move back to Spokane, and originally moved in with his grandparents...but the grass wasn't greener there either since Grandma and Grandpa wanted to keep too tight of a grip on him and he wasn't used to that after having pretty lenient curfews here. We looked into the options for emancipation after he decided that he was ready to live on his own...and the only way we could do it was for him to get married with our notarized written consent, and that's what he did. So...I guess the good news is that we don't have to worry about him producing any grandchildren for us at the age of 16!!

Other than that...my new job is going really well, and I can totally see myself being there for a very longtime! I'm super thrilled about it, as I have desperately hoping to find somewhere that I can kind of hang my hat longterm ever since we got to Idaho. I love what we are doing for the developmentally disabled...and although I do not work in direct care, I can feel good about the fact that without the revenues that I am able to obtain through my billings to Medicaid, there would be no way for the folks who are involved with direct care to help our participants.
Flashmo will finally be home on the 10th of September!! He will be home for a week again, and then have to head back to Van Nyes for an undetermined amount of time

Well, I think that's it for tonight! I have some new pictures that I took for Flashmo yesterday that I may post up...but I'm still editing them. Most of them will stay private for him...just cuz he's pretty special to me, but I hope to have a few up soon.
Big kisses to you all

I'm sitting around the house waiting for a storm to hit the area. I've been in a bad mood since last night. The reasons for my mood have nothing to do with Mae-Ann. I'm recognizing that I could be conjuring up thoughts similar to the ones that got me in trouble in my relationship with Lyrical 3 months ago. I'm trying very hard to not make the same mistake again. I couldn't live with myself if I messed up again.
I'm assuming that the religious folks that are giving you "the looks" are the LDS. I have two neighbors that are reformed Mormons... you should hear what they have to say. But I guess people are people... I like to say I never judge... until I meet you and then I judge you all the time
Sorry your son was having so many issues with "the cool kids." But it sounds like he has excepted himself and has the support of you and his family... He should move to California it is now legal for people to marry out of love regardless of sexuality!
Have a great weekend!