Is it my imagination...or has it just been for-EVAR since I have posted a proper blog?? *jeesh!!* What a slacker!!
It's just been one of those weeks, I guess...Flashmo left on Monday and it seems like it's been pandemonium ever since
So, yeah...think I will start with the new job! I started my new job on Monday as well, and I can tell already that I am going to really, really like it there
I can't believe how quickly you can get out of the habit of working though! This last week has been kind of a challenge remembering how to gracefully juggle working full-time and keeping up on chores, home responsibilities, etc. For those of you who didn't catch my blog last week, I got a job with a non-profit here in town that works with developmentally disabled kids and adults to teach them the life skills necessary to successfully integrate into the community. *whew! What a mouthful * It's a pretty cool thing, and I am really excited to be a part of their efforts. I'm working as a records and billing clerk for them, and of course the perennially favorite "other job duties as assigned"
It's been really great so's nice to be somewhere that:
#1 They want me to be there- My last job at the University was such a nightmare! Even after being there for three months I never felt comfortable there, or welcomed by the staff in any way. The very first day at my new job I knew it was going to be different
My new boss is ecstatic to have me there, and everyone there has gone out of their way to make sure that I feel right at home.
#2- You are trained to do your job, and know what is expected of you- GeeWhat a concept!!
There was absolutely no training at my last job...My supervisor seemed to have little patience for it and I never had a clear picture as to what the actual expectations were for the role. In the new job, my boss sat down with me right away and outlined her expectations, and she's been a great trainer as well.
#3-Everyone is easy-going, and I am accepted for who I am- Everyone at my new job seems so down-to-earth, and UBER laid-back, which is SO refreshing after the pretentiousness that was so rampant at the University! Best I can tell, they all seem to get along as well. The other thing that's awesome is that I don't have to hid my arm tattoo! The very first day my trainer told me that several people had visible tattoos in the office, and I was so relieved. The office is also very casual; we can wear jeans, shorts, sandals, etc.
#4 The work is interesting, challenging and rewarding- I'm so excited to be a part of something that involves making a difference in the lives of others! How cool is that?? And, the work is challenging and interesting to me as wellI am looking forward to the opportunity to learn some new skills, too.
All-in-all, I guess I should thank the beotch who let me go from my last job!!
Flashmo and I had an amazing week while he was home last week, and it was difficult to see him leave again on Monday. It's going to be another really long month until he can get home again in September! I am however; really very grateful for the time that we had together while he was home, it was a very special week and that will help over the next 25 days until I can see him again. I was glad that I didn't have to work while he was home, the timing on starting my new job was absolutely perfect. We spent the week catching up with each other, having lots and lots and lots of incredible sex, eating great food, hanging out around the house, riding motorcycles and 4-wheelers and going to the titty bar togetherand I think we slept a little while he was home, too
It was kind of like a week-long date
The last night he was home we went for ice cream on his motorcycle, and ended up taking the long way home, which ended up being about 25 or 30 mile detourOMG! I had such a blast
I just love riding with him; 4-wheelers and bikes both. And, now I have decided now that I want my own bike so that we can ride together. He's my very best friend, and I just love that we can enjoy ourselves together doing just about anything, you know?
Other than that, this week my son went ahead and took the plunge into holy matrimony
He's now the adult that he has so desperately wanted to be, and is working on finding a place to live...I had just started thinking that he had changed his mind about the whole marriage thing, and then on Friday I got a call on my cell phone from him saying that I had a new daughter-in-law. He's not told his grandparents yet, and until they find an apartment I don't expect that to change anytime soon. ...Flashmo and I don't speak with his parents much these days, so it's really up to the boy kid to break the news whenever he's ready. I figure that they didn't give us a heads up when they were making arrangements for our son to leave home and move back to Spokane to live with them, why should I give them a heads up now? Anyway, I wasn't quite ready for married children yetbut what do you do?
On a lighter note, my daughter will be starting school here next week and was finally granted resident status at the University. We have had the best time hanging out this Summer while she's been home, and while her Dad's been working out of town! Yesterday we went down to Old Town and checked out the Farmers Market together, and then went to see the Bannock Country Fair. We didn't have a lot of luck with our timing yesterday, but we sure had a lot of fun together!!
When we got to the Farmers Market at 1:00pm, they were just starting to fold up shop for the day
I'd not been to it yet, and was expecting it to be mostly produceI was pleasantly surprised to see that they had quite a variety of items for sale. I got a few pictures while we were down in Old Town:
He was a beauty!!
It's pretty neat down there...
After the Farmers Market, we hit a few antique stores on the way back to the car and each found a treasure for.Flashmo. qtshooter got her dad this:
It's made from Teak...
and I got him this:
I love how connected they are!
We headed to the Fair after that, and although it was not what I had been expecting either, it was a hoot dinking around with the kid! The fair in Spokane was pretty jinormous, with lots of rides and carnival games, animals, etc. so I was surprised to see that the Bannock Country Fair didn't have any of those things. It was almost entirely made up from exhibits of the Fair entries by different age groups, with some planned activities intermingled throughout the day. The only rides were being given by the local National Guard Unit; they were giving rides in one of their big rigs around the grounds! We ate some great fair food though, and saw some really cool things in the exhibits. Got a few pictures there as well:
These pictures were all submitted by Juniors...lots of cool ones!
She will kill me if she sees this!
The antiques were amazing!
They were doing a candy drop for the kids!
I've got some new flower pictures, too! You know, I learned a great life lesson from my flowers this last week in that some of my flower beds were kind of struggling a bit this summer, just having a hard time getting establishedand I was just getting ready to give up on them when all of the sudden they just sprang to life! I guess life is just that way sometimes, and sometimes you just have to have faith that things will get better if you just don't give up...
Well, I think I am finally done!! Kudo's to everyone who made it through this whole blog
Much loves as always
So, yeah...think I will start with the new job! I started my new job on Monday as well, and I can tell already that I am going to really, really like it there
It's been really great so's nice to be somewhere that:
#1 They want me to be there- My last job at the University was such a nightmare! Even after being there for three months I never felt comfortable there, or welcomed by the staff in any way. The very first day at my new job I knew it was going to be different
#2- You are trained to do your job, and know what is expected of you- GeeWhat a concept!!
#3-Everyone is easy-going, and I am accepted for who I am- Everyone at my new job seems so down-to-earth, and UBER laid-back, which is SO refreshing after the pretentiousness that was so rampant at the University! Best I can tell, they all seem to get along as well. The other thing that's awesome is that I don't have to hid my arm tattoo! The very first day my trainer told me that several people had visible tattoos in the office, and I was so relieved. The office is also very casual; we can wear jeans, shorts, sandals, etc.
#4 The work is interesting, challenging and rewarding- I'm so excited to be a part of something that involves making a difference in the lives of others! How cool is that?? And, the work is challenging and interesting to me as wellI am looking forward to the opportunity to learn some new skills, too.
All-in-all, I guess I should thank the beotch who let me go from my last job!!
Flashmo and I had an amazing week while he was home last week, and it was difficult to see him leave again on Monday. It's going to be another really long month until he can get home again in September! I am however; really very grateful for the time that we had together while he was home, it was a very special week and that will help over the next 25 days until I can see him again. I was glad that I didn't have to work while he was home, the timing on starting my new job was absolutely perfect. We spent the week catching up with each other, having lots and lots and lots of incredible sex, eating great food, hanging out around the house, riding motorcycles and 4-wheelers and going to the titty bar togetherand I think we slept a little while he was home, too
Other than that, this week my son went ahead and took the plunge into holy matrimony
On a lighter note, my daughter will be starting school here next week and was finally granted resident status at the University. We have had the best time hanging out this Summer while she's been home, and while her Dad's been working out of town! Yesterday we went down to Old Town and checked out the Farmers Market together, and then went to see the Bannock Country Fair. We didn't have a lot of luck with our timing yesterday, but we sure had a lot of fun together!!
When we got to the Farmers Market at 1:00pm, they were just starting to fold up shop for the day
He was a beauty!!
It's pretty neat down there...
After the Farmers Market, we hit a few antique stores on the way back to the car and each found a treasure for.Flashmo. qtshooter got her dad this:
It's made from Teak...
and I got him this:
I love how connected they are!
We headed to the Fair after that, and although it was not what I had been expecting either, it was a hoot dinking around with the kid! The fair in Spokane was pretty jinormous, with lots of rides and carnival games, animals, etc. so I was surprised to see that the Bannock Country Fair didn't have any of those things. It was almost entirely made up from exhibits of the Fair entries by different age groups, with some planned activities intermingled throughout the day. The only rides were being given by the local National Guard Unit; they were giving rides in one of their big rigs around the grounds! We ate some great fair food though, and saw some really cool things in the exhibits. Got a few pictures there as well:
These pictures were all submitted by Juniors...lots of cool ones!
She will kill me if she sees this!
The antiques were amazing!
They were doing a candy drop for the kids!
I've got some new flower pictures, too! You know, I learned a great life lesson from my flowers this last week in that some of my flower beds were kind of struggling a bit this summer, just having a hard time getting establishedand I was just getting ready to give up on them when all of the sudden they just sprang to life! I guess life is just that way sometimes, and sometimes you just have to have faith that things will get better if you just don't give up...
Well, I think I am finally done!! Kudo's to everyone who made it through this whole blog
Much loves as always
ttfn new profile pic is are a phenominal woman
I feed off their energy and when that energy is positive than so am I!!
So thanks for all the positive inspiration! You and lilli have been very captivating ppl to get ot know!