Blog edited to say:
See, I made it back as promised to finish this! I wouldn't want to ruin my hard earned reputation for writing monster blogs
Thanks to everyone who asked me how the interviews went all made my day!! So, overall the day was split 50/50. My interview this morning seemed to go rather well, even though it was done "posse style" with three interviewers on one side of the room and me, myself and I on the other side to even things out
I generally prefer that type of interview, as I find the numbers to be in my favor when there are several interviewers vs. just having one! I prepare ahead of time going over my list of note-worthy "examples" from prior employment, along with reviewing my stock answers for some of the more popular "Give me an example of" and "what would you do if" questions. The preparation really helps, as I am seldom stumped by a question or flustered when I interview...So, yeah the first one seemed great and I hope they will have a decision made by the beginning of the week
The second interview this afternoon....uhmmmm...not so great! Nothing worse than an unskilled interviewer, and that's just what I got
I'm quite certain that I was more prepared for our little chat than she was; reading questions straight from a script and taking notes sooooooo slowly that it seemed impossible to achieve any rapport or rhythm. AND, it was a phone overall it was awkward at best. That was for a salaried manager position, which wouldn't be my first choice anyways!
I don't know about ya'll but y experience over the years has been that:
Long hours+little pay=salaried positions
I also have a second interview on Tuesday afternoon next week working as a payroll clerk for a non-profit company that works with the developmentally disabledto teach them the skills necessary to be integrated into society successfully. I'm kind of excited about that one, it sounds like a really rewarding place to work!!
Well, that's all I got for you on the interviews! I'll keep you posted
My dear friend BIG_BOY (who gives new meaning to the word "metal head") tells me it's time for a new blog, so here it is!! This is going to be a mini-blog for me this morning, since I have an interview in a couple of hours to finish getting ready for, but I'll be back later today to finish filling in the rest of my busy week a later today!! So, without any further ado....May I have a drumroll please?!?
First things first....there's only four more days to go until my honey Flashmo gets to come home for a week!! I'm SO EXCITED to see him, I can't even begin to put how I feel about that into words
He should be getting off the shuttle from SLC at about 4:15pm on Monday and we will have the whole week at home by ourselves to do whatever we want to do.....HMMMMM...wonder whatever we will do to pass the time after not seeing each other for a month??
I'm pretty sure that we will be nekkid and going at it like dogs on paper by 4:45pm! It would be sooner than that if the shuttle dropped him off a little closer to the house, but it's gonna take almost 10 minutes to get him home
I have missed him so much this last month, but this trip is a necessary evil in that it's an opportunity of a lifetime for him, and for our future! I've gotten to where I have established somewhat of a daily routine since he's been gone, but the truth of the matter is that my life just does not have much color in it when he's away
So...yeah, be thinking of us on Monday and please forgive us if we don't reciprocate
Speaking of my honey...he recently posted a set of pictures of himself that were taken while he was training down in our basement
They are UBER cool, and you should stop by here to see them! Here's a few of them as a sneak preview for you:
What a hawtie!!
The two men in my life....Flashmo and Flash
Flashmo and I both love to shoot, and competetive shooting sports were a huge part of our lives in Spokane! We haven't found much for either venues and organized shooting here in Southern Idaho, which is one of the very few drawbacks to us being here. Flashmo holds several National Records, and shoots both rifle and pistol very well! I shoot .22's when I compete, mostly in indoor 50ft "Gallery" leagues.
That's it for now! Wish me luck on my interviews today...and I'll finish the rest of this later! Hope your day just ROCKS IT!!
See, I made it back as promised to finish this! I wouldn't want to ruin my hard earned reputation for writing monster blogs
Thanks to everyone who asked me how the interviews went all made my day!! So, overall the day was split 50/50. My interview this morning seemed to go rather well, even though it was done "posse style" with three interviewers on one side of the room and me, myself and I on the other side to even things out
The second interview this afternoon....uhmmmm...not so great! Nothing worse than an unskilled interviewer, and that's just what I got
I don't know about ya'll but y experience over the years has been that:
Long hours+little pay=salaried positions
I also have a second interview on Tuesday afternoon next week working as a payroll clerk for a non-profit company that works with the developmentally disabledto teach them the skills necessary to be integrated into society successfully. I'm kind of excited about that one, it sounds like a really rewarding place to work!!
Well, that's all I got for you on the interviews! I'll keep you posted
My dear friend BIG_BOY (who gives new meaning to the word "metal head") tells me it's time for a new blog, so here it is!! This is going to be a mini-blog for me this morning, since I have an interview in a couple of hours to finish getting ready for, but I'll be back later today to finish filling in the rest of my busy week a later today!! So, without any further ado....May I have a drumroll please?!?
First things first....there's only four more days to go until my honey Flashmo gets to come home for a week!! I'm SO EXCITED to see him, I can't even begin to put how I feel about that into words
So...yeah, be thinking of us on Monday and please forgive us if we don't reciprocate
Speaking of my honey...he recently posted a set of pictures of himself that were taken while he was training down in our basement
What a hawtie!!
The two men in my life....Flashmo and Flash
Flashmo and I both love to shoot, and competetive shooting sports were a huge part of our lives in Spokane! We haven't found much for either venues and organized shooting here in Southern Idaho, which is one of the very few drawbacks to us being here. Flashmo holds several National Records, and shoots both rifle and pistol very well! I shoot .22's when I compete, mostly in indoor 50ft "Gallery" leagues.
That's it for now! Wish me luck on my interviews today...and I'll finish the rest of this later! Hope your day just ROCKS IT!!
I'm glad your wait for your guy to come home is almost over. I met someone about six months ago that I can't see enough of. I'd go nuts if I couldn't see her on a regular basis.