Alright here it goes;
Fall Scattergories
Use the first letter of your Username to answer these:
D for me, it's gonna be hella hard i see already
1. A Type of Candy - Drops! AKA hard candy
2. A Song - Darkness by Eminem
3. A Football Team - (Football or soccer??) FC Dortmund
4. A Tailgate Food -Doritos
5. A City -Detroit
6. A Color - No such thing that i know of! Unless.. Dark Brown!
7. A Movie -Donnie Darko
8. A Camping Item -Duffel bag
9. Something to Wear - Diving mask
10. Something to be Thankful For -Donation
11. Something in a Haunted House -Dragon?
12. Something Yellow - Diesel (red/blue ones are for off-road use)
13. Historical Person -Dwight Eisenhower
14. A Candle Scent - Daffodils?
15. A Fall Activity -Digging!
And that's it for now! Challenging and Difficult, had to bend the rules a bit hah but i believe it's still done by the book ;)
Who's next? Don't mind me if you're already tagged by some1 else! (l33t speek yay)
@helainked (for quality control) @shalil @elune @inkedlili @naomilys @infernum @chikitina @virika @lonytbs @ravenxaquarius @jacquidaniels @amoxi @avafae
cheateeeeerrr hhahahhahahaha
@helainked Not my worst trait believe me LOL