Hi everybody, I hope you are doing great! And if it's your birthday, happy birthday!
Lovely @rubymoon tagged me for this game, and secretly I wanted someone to give me a chance to do this so badly LOL so thanks girl ;)
Alright, rules are.. Where are the rul.. Oh! Yeah, NO GOOGLE! I will know! They will know! EVERYONE will know. Hah!
So every answer must start with first letter of your (I don't have middle name so I will just use my -name- as reference) middle name. D in my case. Took me 4 hours of thinking because my brain totally froze up with few things but I managed hopefully.
Before I get going I also want @missvamp @infernum @shalil @luie to fire up some neurons and start thinking <3
🟡Drink -Desperado (beer and tequila)
🟡Place -Detroit
🟡SG or Hopeful you 💗 -@doncella
🟡Food -Doritos
🟡Animal -Dolphin
🟡Girl Name -Dominique
🟡Boy Name -David
🟡Profession -Doctor
🟡Describe someone -Delusional
🟡Body Part -Digit (fancy word for a finger)
I am okay with sharing my name, already done it few times, HOWEVER I won't make it easy this time, some of the people I tagged here know it, if they are willing to share it in the comments, fine ;) but **dontyoudaretoaskmeaboutmrwilson**
Feel free to use this template so you don't have to write everything yourself, just copy&paste!
🟡Drink -
🟡Place -
🟡SG or Hopeful you 💗 -
🟡Food -
🟡Animal -
🟡Girl Name -
🟡Boy Name -
🟡Profession -
🟡Describe someone -
🟡Body Part -
Have fun!