Got tagged by @infernum do this short but cool "5 facts about me" and I just couldn't say no to her! Let's begin!
1. I was definitely not made for cold weather, I love when it's summer and it's boiling hot outside to that extent that people used to tell me that I most likely lived in a desert in previous life.
2. I am self taught mechanic! And I love working on cars, especially old ones. I used to play around engines and vehicles since I was little kid and I was always eager to know how all that works and why.
3. They never classified me as col0rblind but I cannot tell difference between certain shades of pink&red and blue&purple.
4. I am left-handed! I know, I know, no big deal but it is to me. How the hell can people write using their right hand? That's impossible, heresy! LOL
5. I am allergic to turkey so chicken is the only option for me.
I hope this was something new for those that know me ;)
Aaaand I want to nominate @aradya @missvamp @shalil @rubymoon @celleste @rocky to do the same! Feel free to refuse if you had enough of me xD