Thanks a thousand beautiful @shalil for tagging me and providing another opportunity to share interesting (or maybe not) facts about me with everyone around here! 😉 Alright, here we go;
✨What's the color of your hair brush?
- I have some blue one to fix my hair every morning xD
✨Name of food you never eat
- Blood pudding, awful and disgusting
✨Are you typically too warm or too cold?
- No such thing as too warm in my book
✨What were you doing 45 min ago?
- I was watching IT Chapter 2
✨What's your fav candy bar?
- Not a huge fan of sweets, but I never say no to Snickers
✨Have you ever been to a professional sports event?
- Yes, few of them! Soccer and handball were the boring ones, but MMA Night was really great
✨What's the last thing you said out loud?
- Alright!
✨What's your fav ice-cream?
✨What's the last thing you had for drink?
- Red Bull
✨Do you like your wallet?
- Uhmmm.. What? I don't know, nobody ever asked me this and the only thing I have in it is my driver's license hah! And why is that? Well... 😘
✨What's the last thing you ate?
- Hot dog
✨Did you buy any new clothes last weekend?
- Last weekend.. No
✨Last sports event you watched?
✨What's your fav flavor of popcorn 🍿?
- I like 'em real salty
✨What's the last person you sent a message to?
- My cousin
✨Ever go camping?
- Hell no, I hate bugs. Especially ticks
✨Do you take vitamins?
- Yeah sometimes, I had something-something deficiency
✨Do you go to church every Sunday?
- Nope
✨Do you have a tan?
- No, I'm freaking snowman compared to others
✨Do you prefer Chinese food over pizza?
- Pizza FTW
✨Do you drink your soda with a straw?
- No
✨What color socks do you usually wear?
- Gray/white/black
✨Do you ever drive above the speed limit?
- Yes, when it's not putting anyone in danger and when I know that there's no surveillance of any sort up ahead
✨What terrifies me?
- Heights and fingerprints
✨Look at your left, what do you see?
- Broken window
✨What chore do you hate?
- Cleaning the dust
✨What do you think of when you hear an Australian accent?
- Piss in a jar! Because of one specific video game LOL
✨Do you go in a fast food place or just hit the drive thru?
- I go in there and order my stuff. At least for me it's much more convenient than drive-thru
✨Fav cut of beef?
- I don't care as long as it's burger-shaped
✨Last song you listened to?
- Raye - Natalie Don't
✨Last book you read?
- Sun Tzu's Art of War
✨Favorite day of the week?
- For reasons known to me, I don't have a favorite day but Fridays are cool.
✨Can you say the alphabet backwards?
- Never tried, probably not
✨How do you coffee?
- Black, no sugar
✨Favorite pair of shoes?
- My old high-top DC shoes. Old but indestructible and super comfortable when driving
✨Time you normally go to bed
- 4 or 5.30 in the morning. I just can't go to sleep early
✨What do you prefer Sunsets or Sunrise?
- Sunsets
✨How many blankets on your bed?
- Right now 3 xD in case it gets chilly. Heating in my house sucks
✨Describe your kitchen plates
- Plastic plates in different colors, blue, green, white.. I have proper plates, somewhere. Plastic ones, you don't have to buy new ones if you throw them at someone. And I am super serious about this question.
✨Do you have a fav alcoholic beverage?
- None that I could truly call my favorite.
✨Do you play cards?
- Nope, but I used to play poker before
✨What color is your car?
- Aluminum gray, color code EZR
✨Can you change a tire?
- Yes! And much more!
✨What's your state?
- Croatia
✨Fav job you ever had?
- Member of committee. Sign here, sign there and get some sweet $$ for it.
✨How did you get your biggest scar?
- Mosquito bites on my left leg.. I kept scratching till it started bleeding. For some reason those did not heal completely after all those years and now it looks like a shotgun blast.
Now that's quite the list this time! This was super fun to do :D How about you @missvamp @aradya @thay @infernum @luie @doncella ?