Thank you @shameless my dear naughty angel for tagging me for "this or that" game!
π Jogging or Hiking?
- Hiking, because there are moments in life when you just have to slow down.
π Sneakers or Sandals?
- LOL sneakers for sure!
π Hamburger or Taco?
- Hamburgers are love, hamburgers are life.
π Receive: E-mail or letter?
- Uhm.. Email, "letters" are usually bills so, no thanks haha :)
π Passenger or Driver?
- We're going for a ride? Okay, BUT I'M DRIVING!
π Meat or Vegetables?
- Meat. But I'm crazy for mashed potatoes!
π TV or Book?
- TV, never liked reading much. I'm a visual type, reading about something, no matter how good it is, just isn't enough. It's like half the experience.
π Movie night at home or Theater?
- Well, I love going to the movies (Which I can't now, sucks) and I really enjoy the big screen (You will almost never see me with popcorn, I'll rather bring bag of gummy bears) with badass surround sound BUT there's also a reason why I still own DVD player in 2020 so...
π Horror or Comedy?
- ...Both but something in me just screams PICK HORROR! I just hate when they decide to include THAT last scene when bad guy or whatever IS NOT THERE ANYMORE or gets up and walks away or something.. You know what I mean.
π Cheap or Branded?
- I go for quality. Cheap isn't always bad and branded isn't always what you expect it to be.
π Rich or Successful?
- Define rich? Healthy! Hah! And a bit of success won't hurt that's for sure ;)
π Rap or Rock?
- Will the real Slim Shady please stand up!?
π Flying or Driving?
- Driving! VW-Audi fanatic xD
π Dancing or Singing?
- Oh believe me, you don't want to see me dancing, even less hear me singing ahahah xD LOL
I guess that's it! But wait! What about you?