Fui invitado a ver un concurso donde los Charros, tenan que hacer varias actividades para ganar puntos, como correr con su caballo y frenar en ciertas lineas marcadas, tirar un lazo hacia una vaca o caballo, hacer que el caballo baile, tratar de atrapar un toro mientras montan su caballo... al final hubo un espectculo de "Escaramuzas" donde hacian un baile coordinado junto a sus caballos.
I was invited to see a contest where the "CHARROS" had to do various activities to earn points, as running with his horse and stop at certain lines marked, throw a rope to a cow or horse, make the horse dance ... at the end there was a show of "Escaramuzas" where they made a coordinated dance with their horses.
35mm film
Fui invitado a ver un concurso donde los Charros, tenan que hacer varias actividades para ganar puntos, como correr con su caballo y frenar en ciertas lineas marcadas, tirar un lazo hacia una vaca o caballo, hacer que el caballo baile, tratar de atrapar un toro mientras montan su caballo... al final hubo un espectculo de "Escaramuzas" donde hacian un baile coordinado junto a sus caballos.
I was invited to see a contest where the "CHARROS" had to do various activities to earn points, as running with his horse and stop at certain lines marked, throw a rope to a cow or horse, make the horse dance ... at the end there was a show of "Escaramuzas" where they made a coordinated dance with their horses.
35mm film