The lovely @redkaya tagged for me for this "little" questionnaire, so here goes…
1. Have you ever had dreams that you remember for the rest of your life?
I rarely remember my dreams, let alone for a long time. But I remember that in my mid-twenties I suddenly started dreaming about trains constantly…wtf? A friend of mine told me it was probably because I was afraid of standing still. Within the next couple of months, I’d quit my job and started down a completely different career path (very different!) Whether the two are connected I do not know…but probably.
2. Would you like to be friends with a man like You?
Hopefully! Guess it all boils down to whether you like the person staring back at you in the mirror? We’ve definitely become better friends as I’ve grown yes!
3. If the list of 7 wonders of the world had to be compiled again, what would You include in it?
Just couldn’t think of any easy questions, now could you? 😊
I would probably change it from the manmade wonders, to the natural wonders of the world. I would include the Big Bang, DNA and the Double Helix - the basis of all life, the changing of the seasons, evolution, human emotions etc. These are the true wonders!
4. What should everyone experience at least once in their life?
Easy one, unconditional love!
5. If You could become a character in a movie or book, what would it be?
Gonna go with a series-character here: Federal Bureau of Investigation Special Agent Dale Cooper - damn fine character! Or Damon Salvatore - nothing's ever black or white!
6. Do you have any "shameful pleasures" that, however, give You a sense of happiness and fullness of life?
Hah, wouldn’t call it shameful – but then again. I’ve been a diehard metalhead since I was like 12 – still am, mind you! But, and not a lot of people know this, I’ve always had a soft spot for Pop music. Not just pop, but girl pop, teen girl pop (I know!). Think I have an inner teen girl somewhere, who just loves drama, watch Gossip Girl and listen to Ava Max or Dua Lipa at full volume, while sippin’ a Mimosa. I used to be a bit scared of her, but now I just indulge 😊
7. What is the wisest thought You have ever heard?
Winston Churchill once said; “If you’re going through hell – keep going”. That is as true as it is simple.
8. If You could choose an era to live in, which one would you choose?
Hmm, probably Renaissance…
9. What superpower would you like to have?
The ability to control time - could be a lot of fun.
10. If you were offered eternal youth and an inexhaustible supply of money on the condition That you would never have love and family, Would you agree?
Nah, think I’ll pass. I’d like to fight for my fortunes and would certainly never give up love…
11. You were offered to freeze Your body for 200 years for free, at any time, would you agree?
Maybe when I get old – just out of sheer curiosity…
12. What would hell and heaven look like if you invented them?
My version of Heaven and Hell? Hmm, divorce maybe – don’t know about hell though 😊
Now, if you’ve made it through this complete snooze-fest, I certainly tip my hat to you, sir or madam!
Thanx again to @redkaya for the tag and feel free to copy the questions and give it a go….you never know, might be fun! I thought it was…