So; despite how shitty some things have been lately, some are also kickass!.. My work is starting to pick back up, Iam staying with some fucken awesome people who feed me plenty to keep my belly happy and Im planning on taking alittle trip back to portland on the 7th. Man I cannot wait for that! I mean... I like masturbating and all...but theres nothing like a hard cock to fuck ya proper...well I guess it helps if the person aint so bad either. hehehe.. man is he gonna get it! hahah..
-What else humm... Oh! I've begun working on having my fairie tattoo removed- yeay! .. man it hurts like a sonouvabitch DAMNIT! and am still trying to pressure devo to finnish my sleeve- c'mon muthafucka- which he's thoroughly taking his time on...
hummm....I cant think ....I've got the plasmatics - sex junkie screaming in my ear......HARDER, FASTER!
-What else humm... Oh! I've begun working on having my fairie tattoo removed- yeay! .. man it hurts like a sonouvabitch DAMNIT! and am still trying to pressure devo to finnish my sleeve- c'mon muthafucka- which he's thoroughly taking his time on...
hummm....I cant think ....I've got the plasmatics - sex junkie screaming in my ear......HARDER, FASTER!
hello we havent really meet but i tried to meet you at atomic a few weeks back ..but not sure if you know but we have a SGNM group just thought id let you know

why are you removing youre fairie tattoo? thats the best one I think - ha -