Oh dear.
My life has changed so much in the past weeks.
I would say most of the change began when I almost got let go from my wonderful job @ phia, for a few different reasons.
I decided to soilder through it and change my shitty perspective on things, suck it up and bring back that lovin feeling that my coworkers praise me for.
And in general get my shit together, idk why i was letting the myself bring me down so low.
I felt like a changed woman, ready to grow up and and not take life seriously, I've only got one.
Then 3 days later came my arrest.
Yes, lil jetson was bagged and tagged.
I was pulled over for improper turnsignal.
I don't really want to get to far into detail, because honestly it depresses me to relive the evening.
Really it was just the police department trying to stimulate the economy by attempting to pin me with an OVI charge.
total bullshit.
.....what was not bullshit were the various and sundry items in my car. Not booze, my other ex-favorites, my pot and pills.
I watched the video of my arrest today w my lawyer.
You've never seen a better example of what you're supposed to do in this situation.
Of crose i refused a field sobriety test with "I want a lawyer". (all my friends WITH OVI charges have educated me on the proper procedure when getting pulled over.)
There was NO evidence that I HAD been drinking.
I'm now aware that the Candy i had are schedule 2 narcotics, which could = felony charge.
Yep, me a felon?! I don't think so.
NOW I'm taking even more steps to clear my shit up.
No more: Pills, Pot, booze (if im going ANYWHERE)
Bein a good good girl.
@ least till this is all FAR behind me.
I'm also gonna have to get treatment for my drug "problem"
I also broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years this week.
He is taking it really hard, who wouldn't?
4 years is alot of history, soooooooooo many GREAT memories.
I really still love him and his family and I'm gonna miss them soooo much.
But I need some space to really work on me and figure out who i am.
I did feel like i hit ROCK BOTTOM for a few days.
But then... I had an ephiony.
Life is to short to let these hickups tear my spirit down.
I've been reading RuPauls new book: Workin It! - RuPaul's Guide to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Style
I absolutely reccomend everyone pick up a copy.
If you're havin self confidence issues or just looking for a fun book with FABULOUS photos.
It's really changed the way I've been looking @ my situations.
I'm ready for change. Change i have to make for myself. Not waiting for someone else to bring me. Only I can make things happen for me.
If you take anything out of this blog I hope its the inspiration to do better for yourself, even if shit hits the fan. Only YOU can do it! and prevent forest fires.
im so ready to work it ladies + gentlemen.
Okay enough of my banter,
go enjoy the other beautiful, powerful, confident and naked ladies on the site.
and in the works of Mariah Carey "You can make it! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!"
XOXO Jetson

My life has changed so much in the past weeks.
I would say most of the change began when I almost got let go from my wonderful job @ phia, for a few different reasons.
I decided to soilder through it and change my shitty perspective on things, suck it up and bring back that lovin feeling that my coworkers praise me for.
And in general get my shit together, idk why i was letting the myself bring me down so low.
I felt like a changed woman, ready to grow up and and not take life seriously, I've only got one.

Then 3 days later came my arrest.
Yes, lil jetson was bagged and tagged.
I was pulled over for improper turnsignal.
I don't really want to get to far into detail, because honestly it depresses me to relive the evening.
Really it was just the police department trying to stimulate the economy by attempting to pin me with an OVI charge.
total bullshit.
.....what was not bullshit were the various and sundry items in my car. Not booze, my other ex-favorites, my pot and pills.
I watched the video of my arrest today w my lawyer.
You've never seen a better example of what you're supposed to do in this situation.
Of crose i refused a field sobriety test with "I want a lawyer". (all my friends WITH OVI charges have educated me on the proper procedure when getting pulled over.)
There was NO evidence that I HAD been drinking.
I'm now aware that the Candy i had are schedule 2 narcotics, which could = felony charge.
Yep, me a felon?! I don't think so.
NOW I'm taking even more steps to clear my shit up.
No more: Pills, Pot, booze (if im going ANYWHERE)
Bein a good good girl.
@ least till this is all FAR behind me.
I'm also gonna have to get treatment for my drug "problem"
I also broke up with my boyfriend of 4 years this week.
He is taking it really hard, who wouldn't?
4 years is alot of history, soooooooooo many GREAT memories.
I really still love him and his family and I'm gonna miss them soooo much.
But I need some space to really work on me and figure out who i am.
I did feel like i hit ROCK BOTTOM for a few days.
But then... I had an ephiony.
Life is to short to let these hickups tear my spirit down.
I've been reading RuPauls new book: Workin It! - RuPaul's Guide to Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Style
I absolutely reccomend everyone pick up a copy.
If you're havin self confidence issues or just looking for a fun book with FABULOUS photos.
It's really changed the way I've been looking @ my situations.
I'm ready for change. Change i have to make for myself. Not waiting for someone else to bring me. Only I can make things happen for me.
If you take anything out of this blog I hope its the inspiration to do better for yourself, even if shit hits the fan. Only YOU can do it! and prevent forest fires.
im so ready to work it ladies + gentlemen.
Okay enough of my banter,
go enjoy the other beautiful, powerful, confident and naked ladies on the site.
and in the works of Mariah Carey "You can make it! MAKE IT HAPPEN!!!!"
XOXO Jetson

Well, you're alive and that's good. And if this is a low point, life can only get better from here, right?
damn I miss those run and jump hugs!