i long for the beatles and the days where musicians could make a difference with songs. good songs. simple songs.
revolution (or revolution 1, depending on which key you prefer) is probably the best political song i know.
and the beatles weren't even american.
and it even borders on being critical of itself.
they dont make 'em like they used to.
the best we got is elliott smith's semi-cliche, dark imag(e?)ry 'a distorted reality is now a necissity to be free', and not much else... j.e.w.'s futures? not so much.
a lot of musicians toured in disfavor of bush... and prematurely. but no one was on the radio rockin' out about it.
he was dead before i was alive, but i sure miss john lennon.
revolution (or revolution 1, depending on which key you prefer) is probably the best political song i know.
and the beatles weren't even american.
and it even borders on being critical of itself.
they dont make 'em like they used to.
the best we got is elliott smith's semi-cliche, dark imag(e?)ry 'a distorted reality is now a necissity to be free', and not much else... j.e.w.'s futures? not so much.
a lot of musicians toured in disfavor of bush... and prematurely. but no one was on the radio rockin' out about it.
he was dead before i was alive, but i sure miss john lennon.
Amen on the Beatles. They are forever. A perfect society would be built upon their philosophies, ala Wyld Stallyns. Be excellent to each other.
have YOU written anything political?