Hey it's been aaages since I last posted! There's a shit load happened since then. I broke up with my girlfriend of 5 years. We are both ok about it but I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss her like mad. However, I'm falling for the woman of my dreams! So all's good!!
Passed a medical for my new job, just got the fitness test to do in a weeks time. I'd love to say wat it is but I really think that it would be best if I kept quiet. Especially on this type of site. Personally I wouldn't have a problem but some people might cause a bit of hassle for me!
Had some realy strong winds lately, my garage blew down. When the insurance people came to see, they discovered it has asbestos in it... marvelous. It'll be like that scene from ET when they take him away, men in them contamination suits, gas masks - the neighbours will love me!!
Passed a medical for my new job, just got the fitness test to do in a weeks time. I'd love to say wat it is but I really think that it would be best if I kept quiet. Especially on this type of site. Personally I wouldn't have a problem but some people might cause a bit of hassle for me!
Had some realy strong winds lately, my garage blew down. When the insurance people came to see, they discovered it has asbestos in it... marvelous. It'll be like that scene from ET when they take him away, men in them contamination suits, gas masks - the neighbours will love me!!

where have you been?

It's been ages again since you posted!