So, this week marked the first week of the new quarter. I'm teaching two courses I'm pretty excited about: one on the philosophy of eros and another on the philosophy of God. The latter group of students seems particularly interested in the material. We'll see if the enthusiasm last throughout the 10 weeks.
I'm teaching in the mornings four days a week. It ends up being 14-16 hour days. Although I really can't complain, teaching is a great gig. It's exciting to see at least a hand full of the students really take an interest in the material and they can ask some really insightful questions.
I have a question. What makes for a great class? Not to toot my own horn but I've won a teaching award but I'm always looking to improve. What class and/or teacher really stuck with you and why? Let me know of your thoughts. I'm getting old enough that I can feel out of touch with my students. I'm 35 and I realized that next year I'll be twice the age of the incoming freshmen. That's a scary thought.
If anyone cares I'll try to keep posting some shortish papers I've written or that are in the works. I'm always curious to hear what you all have to say. Plus, I'll think of something more interesting to say haha
Keep your heads up, my friends.