I'm going to miss Danielle terribly. Had I met her, and her friends earlier, I just might have had second thoughts about moving back. They definitely made my stay much easier. Frankie even offered me a spot at his house. Sadly, there's some people back home that I miss dearly, and I can't wait to get back to.
it's time to break down my computer...
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it's time to break down my computer...
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I'm off to Sacramento for the nightt to hang out with Brian and Gary, one last time before I take off next week.. 'Also going to pickup a valence for a CT member in San Diego . This will be much fun.
Actually that picture was taken well within the Marineland park. We got there by going thru the park and down the low cliffside. You will see when i post the rest of the set =) I love the old sea tanks with the viewing windows that are still there. Its rad, people dont leave their trash there so it stays abandoned like 

Well, it looks like my leave date has been cut down to 2 weeks from today. I'll be home on the 9th, but unfortunately I don't know where I'm going to live yet. If anyone has a room, couch, garage, or bathtub I can live in for a month, in long beach, or the surrounding area, hit me up
For the first time in...
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For the first time in...
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party at my house this weekend on the river

Hi. I work in effing Carson City. Will you be going up to the Rev. Horton Heat show at Caesar's Tahoe on July 7th, or will you be heading home to Long Beach by then?

It's official, I'm finally going back to Long Beach the third week of July. My boss is going to help me transfer down there.
Ironically enough, I was discussing transferring with my boss after he had called me into the office for a write-up. I had four customer complaints in two days! I couldn't believe it. Apparently they felt like I was talking down to...
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Ironically enough, I was discussing transferring with my boss after he had called me into the office for a write-up. I had four customer complaints in two days! I couldn't believe it. Apparently they felt like I was talking down to...
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Please come to the SGLBC open event at Ferns. If you need directions, hit up my journal.
Oh, I'm such a dumbass. I didn't even notice you were in NV!
Well yeah, just let us know when you're back in town! 

I spent four hours doing "landscaping" at the local animal shelter in teh' blistering nevada heat. It sucked. I shall return on monday.

The only thing I look forward to doing in the area is drinking over at Shae's in Reno. I think I expected a little too much of carson shitty, eh, I mean, city, before moving here.
It's beyond bland..
There is no sense of any diversity here. I'm convinced that it consists of nothing but rednecks, mexicans who drive full size trucks on 11-inch daytons,...
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It's beyond bland..
There is no sense of any diversity here. I'm convinced that it consists of nothing but rednecks, mexicans who drive full size trucks on 11-inch daytons,...
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Yay! I made a new friend! Thanks for adding me. I'll be home sooooon. Hopefully in about two months, definitely before the snow comes back.

dude...reply to comments in the comment-ers journal. Shit gets confusing.
(fyi, no biggie) And What the hell....I didnt know you were planning on coming back so soon? Right on, Im happy for you. And me, cause now im taking you with me to buy a car so I DONT get screwed.

Okay, here it goes, my first entry..
Mad props to Crystal for giving me the this account for my birthday, I should have started this journal earlier, but seeing as how I have a hard enough time keeping up on my livejournal, I thought this would be an excrutiating task.
Mad props to Crystal for giving me the this account for my birthday, I should have started this journal earlier, but seeing as how I have a hard enough time keeping up on my livejournal, I thought this would be an excrutiating task.

Okay sorry this is so late. We're planning on doing bowling on August 7 or 8, so I'll let you know which alley and stuff.
Also if you wanna get together for coffee (or coffee alternative?) with some of us sometime, lemme know, I'm all about cafes and smokes, haha. (I'm a dork.)
Hope to see you sometime!