i really hope that my roommate moves out. he's really annoying me and is taking a nap right now so i'm going to have to put on headphones so i won't have to hear him complain about my typing...i really was in the mood for some good masturbation too...as in i wish he'd go to the library and study or something so i can have some privacy.
roommate that complains about typing? that sounds unbearable.
oh it's plenty worse than that. i think he's sleeping with the RA, or was and they had a fight and...nevermind...they don't spend as much time together as they used to. they hid it, if they ever did. normally this would not bother me, but i'm at an all male school. i just want to know what's going on. not only that, but he's trying to move out because he doesn't like me, but it's all problems that we can fix, like the fact that i play music all the time. well, it's what drives me and keeps me sane, so i do it. not too much...but is it too much to ask to ask me to turn it off or down or put on headphones or leave the room to study? i don't think so, but he wants a single. his loss. i still may have to move, but just down the hall b/c some other guy that i don't think i could stand living with might then move in and his friend has a single room, so i'd probably take that...well...there's my life story, post yours here...: