It means that people are fucking idiots, and that relgion is the worst fuckin fallacy to ever grace this planet.
I just dont understand how people can delude themselves like that. ever since i was a kid, i'd hear all these bible stories and just think, "nobody really belives this shit do they?".
any god that'd put people here and basically say "believe in me or die" is one big asshole of a god.
religion's creation is still a mystery to me. but all its ever used for is to control people through fear. much like everything else in the world today.
I just dont understand how people can delude themselves like that. ever since i was a kid, i'd hear all these bible stories and just think, "nobody really belives this shit do they?".
any god that'd put people here and basically say "believe in me or die" is one big asshole of a god.