Nothing really new to report (just everyday stuff).
Work has been sucking lately. Customers are dumb shits and always give me a headache. I almost wish I was a manager because I'd only have to deal with customers once or twice a day. They get to tell us how customers aren't stressful and that we should do everything we can for them while the managers sit back and never deal with the customers to see how stressful it truly is. I'll never understand why they get paid more to do a lot less work and we get paid so little to do the job of 5 people (each staffer). I know it's not just my workplace that does that shit either. I know most retail places are that way and I'm sure there are a lot of jobs where the higher ups get to sit on their ass and watch the lowly paid slaves work their asses off. No offense to those higher ups that actually work their ass off. I need to find a job with managers that work their asses off so I can see why they get paid the big bucks (and probably have a better relationship with management when we're both hitting the floor running).
Screw work, I just needed to get that out of my system. It was a really lame day yesterday.
Today it's snowing. It snowed yesterday, too. It was about 70 the other day and now it's like 20 degrees outside. Welcome to Ohio! I know it's going to snow on my birthday... which I don't really care about because I rarely do anything for my birthday. That goes back to a day when I tried to have a party when I was 15 and barely anyone showed. I was so pissed I never had a birthday party since nor have I really celebrated. After 14 years I don't really even care. I guess the saddest part is not having my girlfriend around for it. At least we spent my last four birthdays together. Those were good times. I won't cry and complain about not having her here, but it does bring a tear to my eye.
I hope I get some good stuff for my b-day. I need some good comics to read, some video games to play, some clothes and other junk I don't really need but will cheer me up! Only a week away! Send me the goods! I'll give you my address so you can mail me all kinds of fun stuff!
Speaking of birthdays, why can't we have out birthdays scheduled upon when we are conceived? We're born 9 months prior to popping out... so why can't we pick a good day to celebrate 9 months prior to our birthdays? It'd give our parents the chance to choose a cool day for us (since no one knows exactly the day the sperm fertilized the egg) and just use that one as our day. Not that I don't like an April birthday, but I think it'd be more realistic to have a birthday based on my actual birth inside the womb than some day I randomly popped out. Every time I bring this up at work my co-workers just stare at me like I'm insane. I'm serious! Oh well, nothing will change. My birthday will always be one week from the day that I write this blog.
Snow... great... I have to go to work today.
I have to get my oil changed tomorrow.
I have to go get my new driver's license tomorrow, too.
Speaking of my DL, I went and had two problems on Monday. First, somehow they accidentally registered my plate to someone with a caddy, so I have to wait for them to solve that problem and send me my renewal stickers. Second, I didn't have my soc sec card on me so I didn't get my driver's license. How much more proof do they need from me? A soc sec card is probably easier to falsify than the fact that I have my car insurance, my car registration, my old license, credit cards, checks, and almost every other form that proves I am who I am. I have my old college ID even. I did lose my military ID somewhere though... I believe it's somewhere in my house. Anyway, I didn't drive all the way out there for nothing! Alright, it's only a 15 minute drive, but still! I got things to do and people to see! Hopefully Friday everything works out. Plus I'm ready for a good pic since my face is huge in the last photo (for my DL). I've gained weight since my guessed weight 4 years ago, BUT I look a hell of a lot better now than I did then. It'll be a good DL pic at least. So I can carry that baby around for 4 years and not think I look like a tool. Plus this time I won't wear a hoody so I won't have people ask if I'm a "Thug" whenever they see my pic. I always tend to look like some hoodlum in my pictures. I won't deny it, but I don't know why it always turns out that way.
Work has been sucking lately. Customers are dumb shits and always give me a headache. I almost wish I was a manager because I'd only have to deal with customers once or twice a day. They get to tell us how customers aren't stressful and that we should do everything we can for them while the managers sit back and never deal with the customers to see how stressful it truly is. I'll never understand why they get paid more to do a lot less work and we get paid so little to do the job of 5 people (each staffer). I know it's not just my workplace that does that shit either. I know most retail places are that way and I'm sure there are a lot of jobs where the higher ups get to sit on their ass and watch the lowly paid slaves work their asses off. No offense to those higher ups that actually work their ass off. I need to find a job with managers that work their asses off so I can see why they get paid the big bucks (and probably have a better relationship with management when we're both hitting the floor running).
Screw work, I just needed to get that out of my system. It was a really lame day yesterday.
Today it's snowing. It snowed yesterday, too. It was about 70 the other day and now it's like 20 degrees outside. Welcome to Ohio! I know it's going to snow on my birthday... which I don't really care about because I rarely do anything for my birthday. That goes back to a day when I tried to have a party when I was 15 and barely anyone showed. I was so pissed I never had a birthday party since nor have I really celebrated. After 14 years I don't really even care. I guess the saddest part is not having my girlfriend around for it. At least we spent my last four birthdays together. Those were good times. I won't cry and complain about not having her here, but it does bring a tear to my eye.
I hope I get some good stuff for my b-day. I need some good comics to read, some video games to play, some clothes and other junk I don't really need but will cheer me up! Only a week away! Send me the goods! I'll give you my address so you can mail me all kinds of fun stuff!
Speaking of birthdays, why can't we have out birthdays scheduled upon when we are conceived? We're born 9 months prior to popping out... so why can't we pick a good day to celebrate 9 months prior to our birthdays? It'd give our parents the chance to choose a cool day for us (since no one knows exactly the day the sperm fertilized the egg) and just use that one as our day. Not that I don't like an April birthday, but I think it'd be more realistic to have a birthday based on my actual birth inside the womb than some day I randomly popped out. Every time I bring this up at work my co-workers just stare at me like I'm insane. I'm serious! Oh well, nothing will change. My birthday will always be one week from the day that I write this blog.
Snow... great... I have to go to work today.
I have to get my oil changed tomorrow.
I have to go get my new driver's license tomorrow, too.
Speaking of my DL, I went and had two problems on Monday. First, somehow they accidentally registered my plate to someone with a caddy, so I have to wait for them to solve that problem and send me my renewal stickers. Second, I didn't have my soc sec card on me so I didn't get my driver's license. How much more proof do they need from me? A soc sec card is probably easier to falsify than the fact that I have my car insurance, my car registration, my old license, credit cards, checks, and almost every other form that proves I am who I am. I have my old college ID even. I did lose my military ID somewhere though... I believe it's somewhere in my house. Anyway, I didn't drive all the way out there for nothing! Alright, it's only a 15 minute drive, but still! I got things to do and people to see! Hopefully Friday everything works out. Plus I'm ready for a good pic since my face is huge in the last photo (for my DL). I've gained weight since my guessed weight 4 years ago, BUT I look a hell of a lot better now than I did then. It'll be a good DL pic at least. So I can carry that baby around for 4 years and not think I look like a tool. Plus this time I won't wear a hoody so I won't have people ask if I'm a "Thug" whenever they see my pic. I always tend to look like some hoodlum in my pictures. I won't deny it, but I don't know why it always turns out that way.
thank you for the nice comment. xox