Well it's....JULY...and I am still trying to figure out where the hell this year is going!!!! If my blog history is any indication...I know that I haven't been here blogging to much!!! I'm actually just catching up on the happenings of the site for the past couple of weeks...I have been out of town having a good time. Spent some time up in Boston...that was a lot of fun...cool town.... but I will say that the folks in Boston are the palest people I have ever seen...that place is dying for an "instant tan" shop!!!!! But touring the Sam Adams Factory was cool, and catching a game at Fenway Park was awesome...brought home a home run ball...the souvenirs are free!!!! It was fun hanging out with my brother who was in town on business. Just got back from Ohio today...went back to visit the fam.... Newark is such a shit hole town....how anyone can stay there is beyond me!!!! While I was there I went and hung out with my good friend Zdenka (we used to play in a band called Forty Days Longing together)...we had a good time hanging out...me, her, and her boyfriend Ashe....went and saw Heart...it was good times!!!!!! Tomorrow...paint the kitchen and install all new light fixtures in the house...I hope I don't electrocute myself!! Then it is off to NYC for the Immortal show....that should be ripping!!!!! Then back to work!!!! But that is cool...I dig my job....
Doom Onward!!!!! and if you like real metal, check out.....
All sounds pretty eventful, man, glad to hear you're keeping busy. Hope you enjoyed Immortal.
I don't know Angelo, but I do know Scalzi a bit. I'm more of an admirer. I recently saw Slough Feg and expressed interest in reading a story of his that is supposedly quite awesome. I still need to email about that. He's a rad dude, very talented