Weekend was mostly a bummer...Sat was my birthday and I was at the house drinking all by my lonesome. I need to get back to Houston or Colorado or something...

Spent the majority of the weekend at ComicPalooza. Great event! Definitely worth checking out. 

Went to the midnight showing of Chernobyl Diaries, so worth it! If you're into this kind of stuff, the flick is worth checking out. 

overslept=still sleepy but can't sleep....mythbusters shall keep my attention until i either decide what to do or pass out. 

Boo....so I was told this A.M. that "this isn't going to work out, thanks for your time and work though." WTH mate, it's only been a week, you haven't even given me my employee information, and I had as yet to have been given a number for clock in/out and task tracker purposes. So much for all that, guess it's back into the market for...
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Not a bad week so far. Work goes well, night life isn't too bad around here, just need to find more shows 

Well now. I've been out of the loop for a while. After 9 years, 6 months, and 25 days I am finished with the Army. Much as I would have liked to make a career and retire, my time there is done and I'm glad for it. Moving to Houston to start a new job soon, should pan out way better than the military did.

New drugs now. They're kicking my ass as far as staying awake, but at least the mood swings have stopped.