I sit and read Walden and Civil disobedience... I ponder fictional philosophy in books like fight club and into the wild and i think to myself why? you cant every force change you cant bring people onto a level of lightened philosophical thought. It cant be done! Society is to ingrained into the humanistic ideal. When it comes down to it no longer is man ever in a state of natural being. Our minds are no longer Tabula Rasa as it were. We at least in the United States can say that we are free but nobody is free. Weve given up freedom for the ability to have a notion of liberty.. Liberty is not innate liberty is a mask shielding us from the belief that we are unique and different . We sacrifice our freedom to allow for governmental control for the ability to feel safe. Safe from what? from ourselves? Really life has only turned into suspended animation. We lead meaningless docile lives... to sound palahniukesque we are drones. We dont take the time to appreciate what life really is to see beauty for what beauty is. Some people believe good gets better but few have ever truly known good.
More Blogs
Wednesday Nov 22, 2006
ya'll need to back the fuck up before i snap -
Monday Nov 20, 2006
its been a while.... now i feel like a dumb little boy right now who… -
Sunday Oct 15, 2006
im giving up on my school my goals and my life im so tired of my life -
Tuesday May 02, 2006
i am such a bad journal keeper.... well this week has been goin well … -
Thursday Feb 09, 2006
im fuckin trippin on addy and some fuckin special k i love tranqueliz… -
Monday Feb 06, 2006
ok its been quite a while since ive written and for good reason ive b… -
Friday Oct 07, 2005
gosh its been a fantastic few days. lots of booze lots of music god… -
Tuesday Oct 04, 2005
ahhh yesterday and today have been mighty busy tons of class tons of … -
Sunday Oct 02, 2005
today has been pretty good actually. I had a physical at 8 this mor… -
Friday Sep 30, 2005
today sucked i hate people fuck... my girlfriend and i just recently …