well today and the weekend have been shitty!
the guy who i thought loved me and thought that i am beautiful! supposably !
told me when he was drunk that i was hotter when he was drunk!
am i really that ugly??
do i repluse him that much?
i seriously believed that he thought i was beautiful!
is it just bmy new hair cut?

i dont know nor will i ever!
its been 5 days since he even tried to make out with me!
unless he is horney he wont even kiss me!
he is so confusing!
he touches me in places that he knows will make me horney and doesnt do anything about it!
right now this realitionship has been a total lie, he tells me everyday that he thinks i am beautiful (well almost everyday), but he acts like i make him sick!!
what am i to do??
do i bore him?
do i repluse him?
is it because i dont like anal sex, what?
what the fuck is it?
Some one spell it out for me cause i am having a hard time dealing and understanding this!
what did i do wrong??

Some one tell me does this repluse anyone???

the guy who i thought loved me and thought that i am beautiful! supposably !

told me when he was drunk that i was hotter when he was drunk!

am i really that ugly??

do i repluse him that much?

i seriously believed that he thought i was beautiful!

is it just bmy new hair cut?

i dont know nor will i ever!

its been 5 days since he even tried to make out with me!

unless he is horney he wont even kiss me!

he is so confusing!

he touches me in places that he knows will make me horney and doesnt do anything about it!

right now this realitionship has been a total lie, he tells me everyday that he thinks i am beautiful (well almost everyday), but he acts like i make him sick!!

what am i to do??

do i bore him?

do i repluse him?

is it because i dont like anal sex, what?

Some one spell it out for me cause i am having a hard time dealing and understanding this!

what did i do wrong??

Some one tell me does this repluse anyone???

you need to get rid of that guy and fast...you're fucking hot...and can do a hell of alot better
You are extremely good looking. You deserve to be treated like a lady, and he should show respect and not just say it. It's hard for men to do sometimes, but that is why women can mercilessly use sex as our kryptonite to beat us into submission.