The weekend after I moved in, I went shopping (having finally got money left over after rent and food!yay!) and at the tailend of my spending get a text from my new flatmate-"your dog is sick'
Panicking, I ring him, to be informed he has gotten into some snailbait which blew off a shelf during those high winds, and he's really ill and on his way to the vet. I immediately become hysterical, ring my boyfriend and begin making my way to the vet, crying all the way. When I get to the vet, he is just fine of course, but apparantly was very very ill previously. They gave him some stuff to make him throw up, then put him on Valium for his muscle tremors, but when I saw him he was wagging his tail and very happy to see me. They kept him there overnight, and I got a call at eight the next morning.
"Hi, um, Nelson is fine, but woke up at six this morning and decided it was time to go home...he's escaped from his cage twice. Can you come and get him?"
So lots of money later, we brought him home and made a big fuss of him.
A few days later, I get home and he's not there. I talk to my flatmate, who tells me he has taken him to visit a friend of his who also has a dog. Now, my dog is very viscious towards other dogs sadly (history of abuse) and I had told my flatmate this, so I said please bring him home.
My flatmate goes to pick him up, then comes home minus the dog, and says the lady who lives there wasn't home, and he will get him in the morning. I am then informed an hour later, that he went missing from her house when she left to go to the pub, and has been lost for two hours.
Firstly, don't take someones dog to 'visit' without asking them.
Second, don't leave it there.
Third, if a strange dog comes to your house to visit-WATCH HIM!!!
So I panic, ring the boyfriend, and we go to search for him. With no luck. I begin a night of crying hysterically, my boyfriend feeling horrible because he can't help, and I try to go to sleep. Next morning my flatmate knocks on the door and says
"There's someone here to see you..."
In walks Nelson and jumps on my bed. I was sooooo happy!

Someone had found him and taken him to the local vet. Yay!!
Cut to two weeks later. I come home, no dog. I ring flatmate, has no idea. Nelson appears to have gone missing from the fenced, secure yard. I ring the boyfriend again, we hunt again, no luck. We ask the neighbours, whose yards I find out he has appeared in several times (why I wasn't told...I don't know) but no luck. One neighbour refuses to even answer the door, and shakes her head at us through the glass.Two days later, no lcuk and I'm miserable. Again,can't sleep or eat, can't be happy...not good. Then I get a call saying he has been picked up by the ranger and will be taken to the pound. So last Saturday we picked him up, feeling very sorry for himself. What a horrible horrible place Blacktown pound is.So many dogs crying, I wanted to take them all home.
So he has given me a lot of troubles recently but he's back home...hopefully for good!