Well, the pirate party went well, we drank, played games, and much fun was to be had...
This was all well until.... We dared to make the mistake of leaving the house...
Kicked in the head by some dirty little chavs. on a main road, they cut my boyfriend with either a knife or some glass, and threatened some of our friends with knuckledusters adorned with blades.
Wanna know the worst thing? I swear upon my own life, not one of them was over 18, and at least two were under 16.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? Seriously? Not only did I get my head kicked in while I was on the floor fucking helpless to defend myself, but when my frineds made attempts at self defense, the rubberneckers (onlookers) JEERED at them for hitting/pushing/removing them from their perfect head kicking position BECAUSE THEY WERE KIDS and we were adults??? I ran into a takeaway to get the police rang, and I was JEERED at by some FUCKING CUNTS sitting in the takeaway, and laughed at by people all around.
This all happened at the end of UNITY DAY?????????????? some fucking unity. the only thing that was united was my face with some cunts boot.
The only consellation being that they (police) caught the oldest one, but only because she was accusing my friends of beating her up???????!!!! she had a cut to the KNUCKLES??????! so obviously that must have happened when we were viciously beating her knuckles to death.
Why are kids like this? What has happened? Are we seriously saying that 'chav' is the new 'HERO OF THE WORKING CLASS'???? and is it really cool that being 'hard' and kicking the fuck into innocent bystanders is the only way to make friends in this fucked up world? I'm only 19, but it sure as hell wasn;t this bad when I was 14. Under 16's weren't kicking adults in the head while people around pointed and laughed... it's playground behaviour, but even that's wrong, I mean even a playful punch is frowned upon in the nanny state society, so why are these children going round getting ASBOs for assaulting people? And why do the government continue giving them out, when it's like a badge of fucking honour to these despicable human beings?

This was all well until.... We dared to make the mistake of leaving the house...
Kicked in the head by some dirty little chavs. on a main road, they cut my boyfriend with either a knife or some glass, and threatened some of our friends with knuckledusters adorned with blades.
Wanna know the worst thing? I swear upon my own life, not one of them was over 18, and at least two were under 16.
WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH THE WORLD? Seriously? Not only did I get my head kicked in while I was on the floor fucking helpless to defend myself, but when my frineds made attempts at self defense, the rubberneckers (onlookers) JEERED at them for hitting/pushing/removing them from their perfect head kicking position BECAUSE THEY WERE KIDS and we were adults??? I ran into a takeaway to get the police rang, and I was JEERED at by some FUCKING CUNTS sitting in the takeaway, and laughed at by people all around.
This all happened at the end of UNITY DAY?????????????? some fucking unity. the only thing that was united was my face with some cunts boot.
The only consellation being that they (police) caught the oldest one, but only because she was accusing my friends of beating her up???????!!!! she had a cut to the KNUCKLES??????! so obviously that must have happened when we were viciously beating her knuckles to death.
Why are kids like this? What has happened? Are we seriously saying that 'chav' is the new 'HERO OF THE WORKING CLASS'???? and is it really cool that being 'hard' and kicking the fuck into innocent bystanders is the only way to make friends in this fucked up world? I'm only 19, but it sure as hell wasn;t this bad when I was 14. Under 16's weren't kicking adults in the head while people around pointed and laughed... it's playground behaviour, but even that's wrong, I mean even a playful punch is frowned upon in the nanny state society, so why are these children going round getting ASBOs for assaulting people? And why do the government continue giving them out, when it's like a badge of fucking honour to these despicable human beings?

Fucking little bastards. I often wonder when it became acceptable behaviour to stop respecting everybody else.