Gosh, this weekend was just way too much.. Way too much volleyball. Doode, I'm going to turn into a volleyball- and that wouldn't be hot. I like myself just the way that I am...
Friday sucked big time. We had a game, and here I thought I was doing good people were being dicks and like saying "We suck" "We're playing so shitty" I'm thinking speak for yourself you cunt face! You may not be playing your game, but I sure as hell am. We shoulda fucking beat that team, but we didn't. Then the coach is talking to us after the game and is saying shit like... "I am the coach, I'm getting glares from some of you girls and trying to tell me how I should coach. Well I am the coach." I know this one girl wasn't doing so well, like not really at all. And for all I know they were talking about her, well I'm pretty damn sure it was her. But there was something in me thinking that I was the one they were talking about. So I just went straight home, cried for like an hour thinking doode I did my part wtf? So I called up coach and was crying asking him wtf? And he calmed me down.. But I was still in a fucking mood the whole night. FUCK!
So the next day "Saturday" we had a few games as well.. That day went better. We lost one, and won one. I was still fucking on with my shit! I played good, and my serves won us the game. Hell yeah six in a row to end the game, not fucking bad! Then I came home, so fucking tired from the whole weekend I lounged around and watched Basketball Diaries then went to sleep.
So fucking lazy after games I don't ever wanna do anything cuz I'm sore and tired. I hate that part of it all. But I really enjoy playing volleyball.. The act of playing.. I'm not really a competitor when it comes to sports, when it comes to other things I usually am, but not sports. If I win great, if I lose whatever.. I just like playing. A lot of the girls on the team are crazy competitors, and it's CRAZY!
But okay, I gotta go, I have some math homework to do.. I hate math...
Sorry for always complaining..
Friday sucked big time. We had a game, and here I thought I was doing good people were being dicks and like saying "We suck" "We're playing so shitty" I'm thinking speak for yourself you cunt face! You may not be playing your game, but I sure as hell am. We shoulda fucking beat that team, but we didn't. Then the coach is talking to us after the game and is saying shit like... "I am the coach, I'm getting glares from some of you girls and trying to tell me how I should coach. Well I am the coach." I know this one girl wasn't doing so well, like not really at all. And for all I know they were talking about her, well I'm pretty damn sure it was her. But there was something in me thinking that I was the one they were talking about. So I just went straight home, cried for like an hour thinking doode I did my part wtf? So I called up coach and was crying asking him wtf? And he calmed me down.. But I was still in a fucking mood the whole night. FUCK!
So the next day "Saturday" we had a few games as well.. That day went better. We lost one, and won one. I was still fucking on with my shit! I played good, and my serves won us the game. Hell yeah six in a row to end the game, not fucking bad! Then I came home, so fucking tired from the whole weekend I lounged around and watched Basketball Diaries then went to sleep.
So fucking lazy after games I don't ever wanna do anything cuz I'm sore and tired. I hate that part of it all. But I really enjoy playing volleyball.. The act of playing.. I'm not really a competitor when it comes to sports, when it comes to other things I usually am, but not sports. If I win great, if I lose whatever.. I just like playing. A lot of the girls on the team are crazy competitors, and it's CRAZY!
But okay, I gotta go, I have some math homework to do.. I hate math...
Sorry for always complaining..
From one math hater to another.

competition can get frusterating.. I always thought of myself as someone who would never really care much about it, but sure enough each time I get into something like that, I get very fursterated when I am performing poorly.. And even if I lose, I still go back the next day, or week or whatever, and keep playing... maybe the love for the sport outweighs the stress it can create.