Yay! I'm glad you all liked the pics.
I had fun taking them!
So I was offline for about two days because I had a volleyball tournament I had to go to. We had to leave on the bright and early Saturday morn. Let's just say we left at 7:00 am. That was utterly insane. I was almost late.
I'm always almost late if not late to everything cuz I suck. I woke up kinda later than I wanted to, and I was cruising so fast to get to the meet up spot. I was like 1 minute late and they're all like.... Where were you? I'm like doode I'm one minute late... Kiss my ass!
So we had to drive to Newark Ohio. There was this huge fucking tournie going on. There were two brackets. One for teams not so well, then for teams who are killers! We were in the one for not so well teams. But we rocked it. We won two games in that section and lost one. So then we moved over to the Killers side and had to play the winner of their bracket. Newark is such a hard team. We actually handled our own for playing with them. Gave them actually a run for their money. I think they were shocked!
I mean this was the fourth game of the day too. We were all so dead tired, but we felt like we had something to prove when we were playing them so we gave it our all. I was a spiking machine that day. So then the game was over, we lost- not by much though. We came 3rd out of 8 teams. Not too bad, seeing as how last season our team never won a game..
(This is a whole new team though) And I still got my cigarette breaks cause I'm sweet like that!
So then we went to Olive Garden afterwards, on the Colleges expense. So you know how I do.. I go big! I fuckin' love Olive Garden. I just wanted their all you can eat salad and bread sticks. But this fucking cunt waitress brings 2 salad bowls for the team. And I'm like, don't I get mine. She's like well you eat out of their bowls. I'm like no, listen here.. I ordered the " BLAH BLAH" So I get my own. I'm not getting a dinner, this is what I want. She's like well you can't really do that, blah blah. I'm thinkin, lady you'll be making more if you just charge me for my own.. Why are you being difficult??
Then, hehehe she comes out with my own bowl. HAHAHAH That's what I thought bitch!! I ate two fucking bowls, cuz I'm smooth like that!
Then we arrive at our hotel. We were all so sore and exhausted from the game that we're lookin' forward to some hot tub lovin....
I mean we had been playing volleyball from 10:00am- 6pm with very little breaks. I'm fucking sore and I want a hot tub! Plus there's some hotties on the team I wouldn't have minded seeing them in their bikinis.. Well......... We get there and we're like where's your pool/jacuzi. Chick is like "Some jerk left these in there" She pulls out a whole bunch of glass, and says "They broke glass and it was at the bottom of the pool and some couple was on their honeymoon and the bride jumps in and slices her foot and had to be rushed to the hospital." So they had to drain the pool, clean it, then refill it in the morn. Doode I was so let down. That was something I couldn't fight my way out of..
I wanted that fucking jacuzi so bad. So did my arms, legs, and ass. So we manage our way to our rooms. First thing we did when we got there is me and my roomie ran and slid on the beds. We had our mesh warm up suits on, so we kept going and going. It was so slick it was awesome!! I went to bed rather early suprisingly... It was like 11:30pm when I went to bed. Yeah what a wuss, but I mean I was such a busy beaver all day.
So then... how fucking unfortunate!! We're sleeping and lovin' it. Then this fucking LOUD ass noise is ringing in my ears. At first I thought it was in my dream, and I'm like what a bad fucking dream to be that loud in my mind. Then I'm like doode no, that's not a dream. So I'm up, and I'm like "Jodie, doode what the fuck is that?" She's still sleeping and mumbles, it's the alarm. I'm like doode, no fucking way that's too God damn loud to be the alarm. (Last night we snuck a few cigarettes in in the bathroom because it was a nonsmoking room. So I'm like doode that can't be the smoke detector from last nights cigs could it?) So I'm waking Jodie up, and we peek into the bathroom. No it wasn't that?! What the fuck?? I mean this noise was uber fucking loud and so piss fuck annoying.. Then we peek our heads out of our room and there are people in the hall running rampid. I'm like shit doode it's a fucking fire alarm?! Then it turned out to be a false alarm. Some jack fuck pulled it thinking it was funny?!!?!?!
Oh yeah real fucking funny doode, pull an alarm at 9:30 in the morning. Yeah, funny like that gets you a black eye fool!
So then we played volleyball again today, and we won. We were all so sore, I didn't think it was even possible to move let alone be all athletic and shit. Ughhhh. But it's all good cuz now our team is 3 - 2. I'm happy, and that works..
So that's where I was, I was indisposed, but now I'm back! And happy to be back might I add!! Okay going to go browse the sight...
<3 Jessika
Okay awesome-est quote from jsinxxx we're talking about me applying to SG.. and it goes like this
JessikaLaughs Yeah tell Missy that....
jsinxxx I can see it now.......Dear missy I have a gold mind for you a video of quinne and JESSIKALAUGHS just going off on each other

So I was offline for about two days because I had a volleyball tournament I had to go to. We had to leave on the bright and early Saturday morn. Let's just say we left at 7:00 am. That was utterly insane. I was almost late.

So we had to drive to Newark Ohio. There was this huge fucking tournie going on. There were two brackets. One for teams not so well, then for teams who are killers! We were in the one for not so well teams. But we rocked it. We won two games in that section and lost one. So then we moved over to the Killers side and had to play the winner of their bracket. Newark is such a hard team. We actually handled our own for playing with them. Gave them actually a run for their money. I think they were shocked!

So then we went to Olive Garden afterwards, on the Colleges expense. So you know how I do.. I go big! I fuckin' love Olive Garden. I just wanted their all you can eat salad and bread sticks. But this fucking cunt waitress brings 2 salad bowls for the team. And I'm like, don't I get mine. She's like well you eat out of their bowls. I'm like no, listen here.. I ordered the " BLAH BLAH" So I get my own. I'm not getting a dinner, this is what I want. She's like well you can't really do that, blah blah. I'm thinkin, lady you'll be making more if you just charge me for my own.. Why are you being difficult??

Then we arrive at our hotel. We were all so sore and exhausted from the game that we're lookin' forward to some hot tub lovin....

So then... how fucking unfortunate!! We're sleeping and lovin' it. Then this fucking LOUD ass noise is ringing in my ears. At first I thought it was in my dream, and I'm like what a bad fucking dream to be that loud in my mind. Then I'm like doode no, that's not a dream. So I'm up, and I'm like "Jodie, doode what the fuck is that?" She's still sleeping and mumbles, it's the alarm. I'm like doode, no fucking way that's too God damn loud to be the alarm. (Last night we snuck a few cigarettes in in the bathroom because it was a nonsmoking room. So I'm like doode that can't be the smoke detector from last nights cigs could it?) So I'm waking Jodie up, and we peek into the bathroom. No it wasn't that?! What the fuck?? I mean this noise was uber fucking loud and so piss fuck annoying.. Then we peek our heads out of our room and there are people in the hall running rampid. I'm like shit doode it's a fucking fire alarm?! Then it turned out to be a false alarm. Some jack fuck pulled it thinking it was funny?!!?!?!

Oh yeah real fucking funny doode, pull an alarm at 9:30 in the morning. Yeah, funny like that gets you a black eye fool!

So then we played volleyball again today, and we won. We were all so sore, I didn't think it was even possible to move let alone be all athletic and shit. Ughhhh. But it's all good cuz now our team is 3 - 2. I'm happy, and that works..
So that's where I was, I was indisposed, but now I'm back! And happy to be back might I add!! Okay going to go browse the sight...
<3 Jessika
Okay awesome-est quote from jsinxxx we're talking about me applying to SG.. and it goes like this
JessikaLaughs Yeah tell Missy that....
jsinxxx I can see it now.......Dear missy I have a gold mind for you a video of quinne and JESSIKALAUGHS just going off on each other
really really long entries ROCK!! It's good you kicked some ASS!

Fire alarms suck ass! The only time they were funny was when I lived in the dorms, at 3 am on a Friday night when you got to see all the girls coming out of the guys dorm; that is a funny walk of shame
I would still like to pummel the jackass that pulled it.