Second day here! Thank you so much everyone for welcoming me!
Today is fucking awesome.... CSI Las Vegas Marathon on Spike t.v. I fucking love CSI LV. I'm taking a break from watching cuz I've seen this episode a few times. Plus this place is cool and I feel I may become addicted.... Outcome is very likely.
So the bath / shower I was talking about last night, yeah didn't happen. Got too involved.... I'm lame. So I really need a fucking shower today, like now!!
Grr, what's up with getting woken up way to early? I fell asleep last night (this morn) at like 6:30am, only to get woken up by my brother and his loudness. I had to sleep on the couch cuz I no longer have a bed here. So he's galivanting around talking loud banging shit. Not to purposely wake me up, but because that's the way he is..... He wakes me up at noon and I'm like Nick can you just get the fuck out of here for like 2 hours. Can you go to the park or something? So him and his friend left. I mean I gotta give him credit for being courteous. Counts for something right?
So I called my dad today cuz I'm leaving today to go back to the place I reside at. (I dont call it home because it doesn't feel like home) And he's like yeah we're having hot dogs and hamburghs over here around 3:30 so stop by. Wow I was impressed, my dad never invites me over. He acts like I'm the plague. His new wife has really gotten to him. We used to be close, but his new wife has really got him wrapped around her finger. Such a shame too, cuz it breaks my heart. I love my dad and wish nothing more than to have him back the way I used to. Yeah I'm stingy and want him for myself.... Sue me! So I'll be going over there, so I definitely need a shower. No jokes about that!
Yup, so that's the plan. So onto step number one... Shower, after I explore some more on the site that is!
<3 Jessika

Today is fucking awesome.... CSI Las Vegas Marathon on Spike t.v. I fucking love CSI LV. I'm taking a break from watching cuz I've seen this episode a few times. Plus this place is cool and I feel I may become addicted.... Outcome is very likely.
So the bath / shower I was talking about last night, yeah didn't happen. Got too involved.... I'm lame. So I really need a fucking shower today, like now!!

Grr, what's up with getting woken up way to early? I fell asleep last night (this morn) at like 6:30am, only to get woken up by my brother and his loudness. I had to sleep on the couch cuz I no longer have a bed here. So he's galivanting around talking loud banging shit. Not to purposely wake me up, but because that's the way he is..... He wakes me up at noon and I'm like Nick can you just get the fuck out of here for like 2 hours. Can you go to the park or something? So him and his friend left. I mean I gotta give him credit for being courteous. Counts for something right?

So I called my dad today cuz I'm leaving today to go back to the place I reside at. (I dont call it home because it doesn't feel like home) And he's like yeah we're having hot dogs and hamburghs over here around 3:30 so stop by. Wow I was impressed, my dad never invites me over. He acts like I'm the plague. His new wife has really gotten to him. We used to be close, but his new wife has really got him wrapped around her finger. Such a shame too, cuz it breaks my heart. I love my dad and wish nothing more than to have him back the way I used to. Yeah I'm stingy and want him for myself.... Sue me! So I'll be going over there, so I definitely need a shower. No jokes about that!
Yup, so that's the plan. So onto step number one... Shower, after I explore some more on the site that is!

<3 Jessika
whats up lil buddy?
now you need to answer my Porn Star Name question

welcome to sg...I like your kitty kat pic, the mask looks cool. And you have a cute dog.