Wow, I was so freaked out last night!
So I'm driving home from work, mind you this is 40 miles away from home. I'm getting off the "wannabe" high way and my tire goes flat!! It's like 2am dark as hell and raining. I'm shaking in my boots here.There is no where I can walk to to get help. Okay so I'm a typical girl,...
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So I'm driving home from work, mind you this is 40 miles away from home. I'm getting off the "wannabe" high way and my tire goes flat!! It's like 2am dark as hell and raining. I'm shaking in my boots here.There is no where I can walk to to get help. Okay so I'm a typical girl,...
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Ahh, I'm so tired... It's been a long fucking week, well two weeks actually. So much shit has happened it rediculous. Some things I excluded from mentioning just because it revs me up and I want to hurt someone. So I'll explain briefly my dilema.
My boyfriend's car was stolen last Tuesday right outside of our apt. He accidently left the keys in the car,...
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My boyfriend's car was stolen last Tuesday right outside of our apt. He accidently left the keys in the car,...
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Where exactly do you work?
That sux about hisluck with cars people make me wonder how they funtion dy to day and still manage to live with themselves.Ive done some dumb shit in my life but there is a line you dont cross by any means
[Edited on Dec 06, 2005 8:24AM]
That sux about hisluck with cars people make me wonder how they funtion dy to day and still manage to live with themselves.Ive done some dumb shit in my life but there is a line you dont cross by any means

[Edited on Dec 06, 2005 8:24AM]
Hello, I'm from brazil and i run a punk news website.. anyway, i must say u have great pics on your album
anything, call me
anything, call me
Ahhh, so Im up and I should be sleeping. But Im not cus I suck and Im updating. Blarf..
Yay, I thought I had a paper due on Monday (which woulda sucked because its gonna be a pain) But I checked out my syllabus and its not due till Nov. 30th. So that gives me some more time to get shit adjusted. Cuz its going...
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Yay, I thought I had a paper due on Monday (which woulda sucked because its gonna be a pain) But I checked out my syllabus and its not due till Nov. 30th. So that gives me some more time to get shit adjusted. Cuz its going...
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lol im not sure what to make of that song haha ive heard "of" relient k but never really Listened to them...all i know is that they played at warped...haha but those lyrics are deffininatly Interesting...haha =)
yw hun! i think i added u on myspace to! =) mwahs your are really pretty yourself! hope things are going great! <3
Hey everyone!! I'm trying to get a free IPod. While I'm doing it, you surely can too! Click the link below, and follow the simple instructions and you too can get a free ipod. I've not yet gotten a free ipod, because I've just signed up, but hell I thought I'd give it a try! So if you do then -- Click Here!
Thanks everyone!...
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Thanks everyone!...
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awww damn...i wanna see ya! thats a lil bummer! whats the club you work at? is it close to warren? maybe we'll come see ya at work or something? shoot me an email with an addy & where ya work if thats cool...we'd like to come say hi to ya at least!
why werent you or rotwieler @ the horror con? i wanted to buy the grindhouse massacre & over movies you're in! how can i do that now?
20 interesting things about me... I got tagged by a sweet lil frog so I thought I'd do it. =)
1. I like zombies
2. I'm a picture whore.
3. Most thing I hate about volleyball is serving, but I'm the best damn server.
4. I love Dawson's Creek, but hate Dawson.
5. I have a huge crush on Nicholas Cage
6. I have fybroidic...
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1. I like zombies
2. I'm a picture whore.
3. Most thing I hate about volleyball is serving, but I'm the best damn server.
4. I love Dawson's Creek, but hate Dawson.
5. I have a huge crush on Nicholas Cage
6. I have fybroidic...
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Happy Halloween

you're a brokendoll!

So I'm a be (wait did I just fucking type that?) I will* be MIA until Sunday night. I have fucking volleyball tournies, which requires me to stay over night. I'm leaving tonight (friday till sunday night) Blah........ It's four hours away, and I'm uhh, I dunno forgot what I was going to say. Thank God this shit is almost over (volleyball anyways)
So fucking...
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So fucking...
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tag! now you get to write 20 interesting things about yourself and then tag 5 friends to do the same.
I just went and seen Genitorturers and thought it'd be so much better if you were at that show.
Anyway no suggustions on a set, but I will be fucking happy to see it.
Anyway no suggustions on a set, but I will be fucking happy to see it.
Ughhh, so today (well yeah Thursday) I get to find out how bad I sucked on my math test. Let's just say I didn't get to finish it all. Yeah so I had to leave 2 blank and guess on one. I mean if the jack fuck didn't take 15 minutes in the begining talk shit, then I would've had 15 extra minutes. Even if...
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i just watched 'the grindhouse massacre' trailer...woah, i gotta see that! i wont be able to make it on the 29th cause i already have plans! but when & where is it gonna be available? will ya have copies at dark xmas?
what other movies (if any) are you in?
what other movies (if any) are you in?
so you made that banner? i LOVE it! ive been posting it around the site even! im definitely gonna have to pick up some of your'll have to tell me what you recommend though! im looking forward to the 11th...should be a fun time! will ya be able to hang out after the con that nite?
Awesome! So yeah, I'm flying down to Los Angeles in January from the 3rd to the 8th. I was going to go there in the summer, but then I got really freakin' busy and school was starting and just a bunch of stuff. I was going to go over to Cali to visit and shoot with my photographer friend Van Scottie. I shot with him...
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i haven't flown since i was too little to remember too. i'd be nervous as well about all that security stuff. tell me later that it's not that bad. i may have to fly one day.
have fun on all your photo shoots. and enjoy that warm weather. i wish i could leave the michigan coldness behind and take a trip to a nice warm day, oh, one day....

have fun on all your photo shoots. and enjoy that warm weather. i wish i could leave the michigan coldness behind and take a trip to a nice warm day, oh, one day....
Thanks for the add. Stay in OHIO
Doode, the clock struck midnight and here I am, 21 years old. I'm so fucking stoked, I dunno. Like really happy right now. I think this is going to be one helluva year.
Shit I'm happy about:
No more cover charges at doors when going to see bands play or some strip joints, or bars.
I can buy alcohol...
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Doode, the clock struck midnight and here I am, 21 years old. I'm so fucking stoked, I dunno. Like really happy right now. I think this is going to be one helluva year.
Shit I'm happy about:
No more cover charges at doors when going to see bands play or some strip joints, or bars.
I can buy alcohol...
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happy b day (i know I'm late) hey I just loooooove that pink wig !!! may i ask you where you got it?
and the pink kitty ears are awesome too !!!
and the pink kitty ears are awesome too !!!

thx for answering ^^, well we don't have wallmart in France T_T so I guess I'll just have to see this nice hair cut on you only ^^

I miss a lot of things...
These things are not gone, just things that I have chosen to be away from due to other aspects of my life... So by me missing these things it's really only my fault for having left them.
I miss my home, my mom, my dad, my innocence that was lost a long time ago, my health, my friends, my...
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These things are not gone, just things that I have chosen to be away from due to other aspects of my life... So by me missing these things it's really only my fault for having left them.
I miss my home, my mom, my dad, my innocence that was lost a long time ago, my health, my friends, my...
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Happy Birthday sweety

Happy birthday!

Gosh, this weekend was just way too much.. Way too much volleyball. Doode, I'm going to turn into a volleyball- and that wouldn't be hot. I like myself just the way that I am...
Friday sucked big time. We had a game, and here I thought I was doing good people were being dicks and like saying "We suck" "We're playing so shitty" I'm thinking...
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Friday sucked big time. We had a game, and here I thought I was doing good people were being dicks and like saying "We suck" "We're playing so shitty" I'm thinking...
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From one math hater to another.

competition can get frusterating.. I always thought of myself as someone who would never really care much about it, but sure enough each time I get into something like that, I get very fursterated when I am performing poorly.. And even if I lose, I still go back the next day, or week or whatever, and keep playing... maybe the love for the sport outweighs the stress it can create.
Yay I found the picture of the bunny I want for a tattoo. It was from the poster that I snagged from Quanzit Hut ages ago. I digged through my closet at my real home and found it! Go me! Though I'm not sure what to do with the color white in the bunny. I'll prolly just get the outline of the bunny, with some...
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i LOOOOVE the yeah yeah yeahs!
and that's a freakin' sweet bunny. i can't wait to see how the tat looks, if/when you decide to post it

and that's a freakin' sweet bunny. i can't wait to see how the tat looks, if/when you decide to post it


man i havent played volleyball in years that sounds like fun right now..its all about bumping and setting ..haha

thank you for your comment on my set, I appreciate it!!