Came home to sweetness today. We always pal around childishly, but it's like 6 year olds who have already lived a lifetime together. We call it stupid cute.
Decided to take a picture of my little makeshift beauty station.
Sam doesn't like that I call it NYC sized because it makes our place sound smaller than it actually is. Fair enough, we have a decent size 1 bedroom place. But there's no spare room and everything has been meticulously planned out and stored and then displayed to better help not having the feeling on living in a sardine can. Soup can maybe.
Picked up a few strips of pink hair the other day, looking forward to Friday when I can run errands to the beauty supply store for more much needed shiz.
Also, I am starting to dabble in making latex clothing and am having difficulty with pattern making. Any seamstresses out there with tips?
There's a surprise in the photo.
In case you're wondering the filigree box is from Bordello and the black box is Ironfist. Chanel and the 2 hello kitty makeup bags.
sounds like fun to me your "stupid cute" have fun at the salon on friday and hope the rest of the week is good for you as well
