I am a lucky, lucky lady. Look how happy! *squee!*

Mister ymonster and I, shot by none other than Mister tmronin, after seeing a lot of Miss Addie's boobs (and, yanno, getting a naked hug or two
).... I was two beers deep, which, if you know me at all, means I was wasted.
Happy boobs, too! Here's a shot I'm particularly fond of from a recent shoot with House of Indulgence. It's my "I'll-fuck-you-up" look.

I've finally mastered the navigation of the new site layout. I like the background much more, and now that the bugs are working out, I think the page loads faster too. Plus I really like seeing the Hopefuls sets. Which reminds me, go and check out this set from the lovely lady Brooklyn!

I was there the night she shot it (actually, it was the night I met her in 2005!) with Idjiit and tmronin, on the crazy subway ride that lasted into the wee hours of the morning and ended with oreo pancakes and mimosas. Mmmm. This needs to go up.
And speaking of that night.... it was the first time I ever got naked for a photoshoot.
Ah, the good old days. You should go leave a comment if you have a minute.
tmronin and I would appreciate the love! 

Man, was I sick as a dog for that shoot, and just starting to peel from my first tattoo session on my wings. Look how short my hair was!
I had those shoes strapped to my back in my HUGE backpack the whole time we rode the subway for Brooklyn's set. They are definitely as heavy as they look.
I heard an amazing quote today in a Firewater song:
When you live by the ruler you die inch by inch.
I have decided that this really applies to how I feel lately. Things this school year in general have been a little too straight and narrow, but I've done my best to really follow my heart and take risks this semester/these past few weeks. I tell you what--I've been a lot happier for it.
I just fear sacrificing my sense of self for an average job with a steady salary. I really, really do not want that.
That's about all from here, kids. Back to the land of the finals grind.... Only a few more days of school, some crap about new roomates, and then it's off to Canadaland, where I'll get to meet the fabulous Twwly, VonScotch, and the tiny baby Bob!
p.s. My condolences to all those who knew and loved Monica Henk. My heart goes out to her family and friends, and I really hope they catch the jerk responsible. I'm keeping my eyes peeled.
p.p.s. My condolences also to the friends and family of all those close to the victims in the Virginia Tech shooting.
p.p.p.s. I hope you all have stayed safe and dry from the torrential flooding! ymonster and I ran 3 blocks from the subway the other night and we were SOAKED from head to toe.... Gah! Wet socks are the worst thing ever.

Mister ymonster and I, shot by none other than Mister tmronin, after seeing a lot of Miss Addie's boobs (and, yanno, getting a naked hug or two

Happy boobs, too! Here's a shot I'm particularly fond of from a recent shoot with House of Indulgence. It's my "I'll-fuck-you-up" look.

I've finally mastered the navigation of the new site layout. I like the background much more, and now that the bugs are working out, I think the page loads faster too. Plus I really like seeing the Hopefuls sets. Which reminds me, go and check out this set from the lovely lady Brooklyn!

I was there the night she shot it (actually, it was the night I met her in 2005!) with Idjiit and tmronin, on the crazy subway ride that lasted into the wee hours of the morning and ended with oreo pancakes and mimosas. Mmmm. This needs to go up.

And speaking of that night.... it was the first time I ever got naked for a photoshoot.

Man, was I sick as a dog for that shoot, and just starting to peel from my first tattoo session on my wings. Look how short my hair was!

I heard an amazing quote today in a Firewater song:
When you live by the ruler you die inch by inch.
I have decided that this really applies to how I feel lately. Things this school year in general have been a little too straight and narrow, but I've done my best to really follow my heart and take risks this semester/these past few weeks. I tell you what--I've been a lot happier for it.

That's about all from here, kids. Back to the land of the finals grind.... Only a few more days of school, some crap about new roomates, and then it's off to Canadaland, where I'll get to meet the fabulous Twwly, VonScotch, and the tiny baby Bob!

p.s. My condolences to all those who knew and loved Monica Henk. My heart goes out to her family and friends, and I really hope they catch the jerk responsible. I'm keeping my eyes peeled.

p.p.s. My condolences also to the friends and family of all those close to the victims in the Virginia Tech shooting.

p.p.p.s. I hope you all have stayed safe and dry from the torrential flooding! ymonster and I ran 3 blocks from the subway the other night and we were SOAKED from head to toe.... Gah! Wet socks are the worst thing ever.

school is almost over. let's party.