so i have the tendonitis, which explains my silence around here lately. quick update from the computadora de ymonster after a day of running around the city with Fractal, some movieage (we saw Zodiac.... with my future fiancee, mister Jake Gyllenhaal), bumping into Irina in the east village, and then a loverly italian dinner whereat i met the even more loverly miss Tegan.
after shooting allllllllllll day yesterday (yay for making money, and be on the lookout for some HOT alice in wonderland shots), i am pooped and a half.
time for movies and sleep. god, i love nice weather. and aleve.
happy birthday again Hunter!
spring break has "rocked out" thus far, and i'm just hoping the rest of the week won't suck. oh yes, and since i SHOULD be getting my ass away from the keyboard, if you want to hang out, you should call me, because i have been avoiding the computer like the plague.
miss you!

time for movies and sleep. god, i love nice weather. and aleve.
happy birthday again Hunter!

miss you!
good luck with that special project, lady! consider me #2 on your dance card in that department! I'm next! Can't wait to see what you all come up with though!
go easy on the tendons. no more typing if you don't have to.