I'm currently living on Cruz Alta, a city in the contry side of Brazil. Like most small cities, this one is full of old tales. The city it's old and used to be full of old houses, beautiful haunted houses. Sadly, there are companies destroying everything to build new modern buildings. But some places resist and my favorite one here is the cemitery. There is so many stories about it, like the time that someone busted a grave and spread the bones around in a - suposed - satanic ritual. The skull was placed on top of the main gate. There was also a time were the whole thing was flooded and the bodys stared to flote throught the city. That happend a long time ago, of course.
When you walk around, it seems that the statues are watching. Some of them are broken and the gravedigger told me that once, there was a storm so strong destroy an angel's wings.
A longe time ago there was a haunted lake near the cemitery. The lake doesn't exist anymore, but there is a storie that says that a baby was drowned in there and you could here at night the crying of his mother.
Thanks to @rambo and @missy for the homework!