Halloween - - - I went to Portland to see Leftover Crack. We got kicked out of the show a few hours before it started. I still have my ticket. We were drinking in the back. One of the kids we were drinking with beat up a tweaker.
Instead of seeing Leftover Crack... I got a boyfriend.
Hah.... hahah... I'm taken. Can you believe it? How'd I let that happen.
My boy. He's a squatter. He's a babe. He's a stud. He holds me and keeps me warm when we're sleeping under the Hawthorne. His facial hair tickles me. He gives me drags off of his cigarettes when I don't even ask. He watches over me, and I feel safer around him than I would if I were doing this on my own. He trusts me. He makes me laugh. And the way he thinks... He's level-headed. He seems to think things through.
And he exaggerates his stories. I love how he exaggerates his stories. Irish. Like me. Like my family. It shows. And I love that.
Haha. I've gone all soft and girly.
We're going to SF sometime. I don't know when. Me, Mark and some others.
That boy's going to take me around America.
I've got heartburn, and I'm kind of hungry. So I'm going to go deal with that.
Instead of seeing Leftover Crack... I got a boyfriend.
Hah.... hahah... I'm taken. Can you believe it? How'd I let that happen.
My boy. He's a squatter. He's a babe. He's a stud. He holds me and keeps me warm when we're sleeping under the Hawthorne. His facial hair tickles me. He gives me drags off of his cigarettes when I don't even ask. He watches over me, and I feel safer around him than I would if I were doing this on my own. He trusts me. He makes me laugh. And the way he thinks... He's level-headed. He seems to think things through.
And he exaggerates his stories. I love how he exaggerates his stories. Irish. Like me. Like my family. It shows. And I love that.
Haha. I've gone all soft and girly.
We're going to SF sometime. I don't know when. Me, Mark and some others.
That boy's going to take me around America.
I've got heartburn, and I'm kind of hungry. So I'm going to go deal with that.