I woke up early today. Went to the Library and met up with a friend. We walked to the park and madeout and some stuff. Moved to some hidden bushes and made out some more. Took a nap in the park until the heat started to get to us. Today was a hot day. So on we walked to a friend's house. Layed around on the couch. Madeout in the room. Did band practice. Made out some more. More band practice. And eventually I walked to my work and picked up my cheque. It wasn't at all what I'd wanted. Seems like I made more money last year. I had more hours last year. This job isn't worth my time anymore. I don't get enough hours. I don't make enough. I'm not even respected there anymore. I think I should be just about finished with that place. Actually. I am. I'm moving to PTown this summer. I'm going to get a job there. After I get back from Texas. I'm going with my dad and my sister. I'm hoping to catch a local show or two while I'm there. Meet up with some Psychos while I'm down there maybe? That'd be nice. Not Norman Bates Kind. The kinds that are interested in the Meteors, Nekromantix, the Cramps, Mad Sin. Etc. Etc. Make a few Texan Pals.
So... I'll be in San Antonio in the Beginning of August. Someone hit me up OK?
So... I'll be in San Antonio in the Beginning of August. Someone hit me up OK?

You missed Mad Sin when they came to Euegen. That sucks, but you could see them in texas. It was great talking to you again. Looks like you are having great make out sesions. Have a great trip to Texas.