So, here I am. I guess I'm back in action again. I found some wireless internet floating about. Dial Up is just too slow for me to be visiting my SG account. I'm an impatient gal and I usually only get on Myspace. I usually only get online for about 20 minutes out of the day. Combined. Well, Shieet.
I guess I'm either a Gangsta or some Emo boy now. I've been wearing a bandana lately. I'm changing again. It's strange. I tend to change a lot, or at least people say I change a lot. I don't feel any different other than the feeling that I'm just more comfortable being myself. I suppose that's a good sign.
Too much has happened for me to catch up on it all. Ever. But let's attempt a recap anyway:
I'm an asshole.
That was easy enough.
And I have got to change that crazy display picture. That doesn't work anymore. My hair's so much longer now. I haven't cut it in ages. A long, long time. Or so it seems. But it's a lot longer than it was in that picture. But I'm still the cute little chubby faced eskimo.
But let's be serious... what sorts of changes have I gone throught?
-Only my right nipple's pierced nowadays.
-My ears are up to 00. Have been since about the last time I cut my hair.
-My dad told me a few weeks ago that I'm 1/16 Japanese. Score.
-My car got hit and I've been walking everywhere.
-I met a boy on 3rd Street. Punched him square in the eye. Went to a party with him. Then spent an exciting night in his bed.
-I passed all of my classes. Some of them, just barely.
-I'm still working at Hillside. But I got another raise.
-I smoke Lucky Strikes sometimes, and can now roll my own cigarettes.
-I write a lot more poetry type stuff now.
Cowboy Bebop's on TV. I'm going to have to watch this bitch.
I guess I'm either a Gangsta or some Emo boy now. I've been wearing a bandana lately. I'm changing again. It's strange. I tend to change a lot, or at least people say I change a lot. I don't feel any different other than the feeling that I'm just more comfortable being myself. I suppose that's a good sign.
Too much has happened for me to catch up on it all. Ever. But let's attempt a recap anyway:
I'm an asshole.
That was easy enough.
And I have got to change that crazy display picture. That doesn't work anymore. My hair's so much longer now. I haven't cut it in ages. A long, long time. Or so it seems. But it's a lot longer than it was in that picture. But I'm still the cute little chubby faced eskimo.
But let's be serious... what sorts of changes have I gone throught?
-Only my right nipple's pierced nowadays.
-My ears are up to 00. Have been since about the last time I cut my hair.
-My dad told me a few weeks ago that I'm 1/16 Japanese. Score.
-My car got hit and I've been walking everywhere.
-I met a boy on 3rd Street. Punched him square in the eye. Went to a party with him. Then spent an exciting night in his bed.
-I passed all of my classes. Some of them, just barely.
-I'm still working at Hillside. But I got another raise.
-I smoke Lucky Strikes sometimes, and can now roll my own cigarettes.
-I write a lot more poetry type stuff now.
Cowboy Bebop's on TV. I'm going to have to watch this bitch.

cute profile pic!!
Alright its settled. You are my future driver. As long as you keep the JessiCunt moniker.