She means a lot, but he don't see it. He's always hiding 'round the corner, getting sick, that little stoner.
Hmm, "holiday season" has me drained. I'm dying for 40 winks. But there's something I wanted. I felt like maybe I should be determined and go for it. But, no, nevermind, I'm drained.
I got Wild Zero, and I can't wait to watch it, but I'm going to have to.
Split shifts tomorrow.
Buying a Car.
Whatever else is going to happen between those shifts.
Then getting home. I'll either end up sleeping, cleaning my room, or just figure out some way to get the attention I'm wanting so desperately.
I'm some sort of wilting flower without it, but, who is there around giving it to me? That would be a lovely gift indeed.
Hmm, hearing about all this shit on the news about 'Christmas' and 'Holiday' and 'P.C.' I stand somewhere on it. I don't stand strong, because is this really a fucking issue? I don't care who says what to me. I won't take offense to anything. I mean, think up any obscure religion, if you will, and tack it onto some religious holiday greeting. I'll smile, say something nice and be friendly. I'll wish you a good evening, whatever. And I celebrate Christmas. I celebrate xmas. I'm not religious. I don't believe in God. But I celebrate the holiday that I do because this is what I have celebrated since birth. When I was born they wrapped me in a 'stocking' type blanket. Adorable right. Makes up for all those combined Christmas/Birthday gifts right? Well, maybe. But, let's just say, I was born in to Christmas. So, I do not celebrate this holiday for the religious reasons. I celebrate it for the family tradition behind it. And it doesn't bother me who celebrates what for what reason, how they greet other people and what they wish them. It's the fucking thought that counts. Because if I hear 'Merry Christmas' from my extreme christian aunt, I know she's cherishing the birth of Jesus. I, on the other hand, am accepting her words, knowing that she says them because I am someone she cares for. I am accepting her words, because she is wishing me some sort of merriment.
And it just pisses me off that people can't accept that. Accept this, that, whatever. Even the Happy Holiday theme. I don't care who says that either. Say whatever you want. Say nothing at all. Nothing's going to bother me, and I don't see why it should bother anybody else. Accept whatever words are said to you as the last coughs of human kindness and compassion toward man.
Because there's no solid meaning to everything. Nobody shares the same meaning. We all take things differently. And none of us are right. And none of us are wrong.
And when the new year starts...
Can't we accept each other?
Hmm, "holiday season" has me drained. I'm dying for 40 winks. But there's something I wanted. I felt like maybe I should be determined and go for it. But, no, nevermind, I'm drained.
I got Wild Zero, and I can't wait to watch it, but I'm going to have to.
Split shifts tomorrow.
Buying a Car.
Whatever else is going to happen between those shifts.
Then getting home. I'll either end up sleeping, cleaning my room, or just figure out some way to get the attention I'm wanting so desperately.
I'm some sort of wilting flower without it, but, who is there around giving it to me? That would be a lovely gift indeed.
Hmm, hearing about all this shit on the news about 'Christmas' and 'Holiday' and 'P.C.' I stand somewhere on it. I don't stand strong, because is this really a fucking issue? I don't care who says what to me. I won't take offense to anything. I mean, think up any obscure religion, if you will, and tack it onto some religious holiday greeting. I'll smile, say something nice and be friendly. I'll wish you a good evening, whatever. And I celebrate Christmas. I celebrate xmas. I'm not religious. I don't believe in God. But I celebrate the holiday that I do because this is what I have celebrated since birth. When I was born they wrapped me in a 'stocking' type blanket. Adorable right. Makes up for all those combined Christmas/Birthday gifts right? Well, maybe. But, let's just say, I was born in to Christmas. So, I do not celebrate this holiday for the religious reasons. I celebrate it for the family tradition behind it. And it doesn't bother me who celebrates what for what reason, how they greet other people and what they wish them. It's the fucking thought that counts. Because if I hear 'Merry Christmas' from my extreme christian aunt, I know she's cherishing the birth of Jesus. I, on the other hand, am accepting her words, knowing that she says them because I am someone she cares for. I am accepting her words, because she is wishing me some sort of merriment.
And it just pisses me off that people can't accept that. Accept this, that, whatever. Even the Happy Holiday theme. I don't care who says that either. Say whatever you want. Say nothing at all. Nothing's going to bother me, and I don't see why it should bother anybody else. Accept whatever words are said to you as the last coughs of human kindness and compassion toward man.
Because there's no solid meaning to everything. Nobody shares the same meaning. We all take things differently. And none of us are right. And none of us are wrong.
And when the new year starts...
Can't we accept each other?

but thanks for the comment!