I saw that kidd tonight. Awkward. For some reason. Probably because we were hanging out with two other people I hadn't hung out with before. I talked to one of the kids, though, for a while, about work, because he was going to work there over summer time. So after that I felt a bit better. But we hung out with my sister and Billy too. I drew a few quick sketches of what I want to paint for my sister.
Alice in Wonderland.
But us.
Anyway... That kidd is fucking cute. I just don't know what to do with myself.
I think I ought to go out in the garage and have a smoke, but I'll wait until my sister's asleep, because she always comes in there and asks me why I'm smoking. Or I come in and she tells me I smell like smoke. Bleh.
At least I got to go out tonight. And hang out with some people. Who knows, last time I hung out with him and other people he talked to me that night, asked me to hang out with him the next day. And it worked out. Just fine. And gah, I can't depend on something like that. Oh well, I can't depend on a damn thing, but that's Ok with me.
Alice in Wonderland.
But us.
Anyway... That kidd is fucking cute. I just don't know what to do with myself.
I think I ought to go out in the garage and have a smoke, but I'll wait until my sister's asleep, because she always comes in there and asks me why I'm smoking. Or I come in and she tells me I smell like smoke. Bleh.
At least I got to go out tonight. And hang out with some people. Who knows, last time I hung out with him and other people he talked to me that night, asked me to hang out with him the next day. And it worked out. Just fine. And gah, I can't depend on something like that. Oh well, I can't depend on a damn thing, but that's Ok with me.

Thanks for the complement on my tattoo. I would love to see a picture of your devillock!