I took my pharmacology final on Friday I'm so happy that damn class is over. I feel like I did really well on the final too! Its spring break and I have the entire week off! YEAH Im gonna spend a lot of time sleeping. haha. Then I have to start Nutrition, which sounded like it would be an one of the easier courses but I've been told by all the upper level students that it will kick my ass. awesome. So maybe this week I will try to get a head start on some of the reading for that class since I already got my syllabus. I start my clinical rotations on the 23rd of this month, I found out that I got assigned to a place in Bedford.
I really really want to get tattooed this week! I already talked to Jamie about it and he didn't really give me the reponse I was hoping for but he didnt say no! haha Im gonna keep bothering him all week about it. A few weeks ago I was showing him the dress I bought to wear to my cousins wedding and I told him that I want my arm to be completely done by then so I dont look stupid in the dress. He was like uhhh when is the wedding? Damn! haha

Anywho, Couch to 5k? I'm loving it so far and hope you like it too. =)